

Important Change Regarding IoT Module for Batteries

Tips \ App
Van Raam

We would like to inform you about an important change regarding our batteries. The IoT module, which is currently present in some of our batteries, is no longer operational. We would like to share the reasons behind this decision with you.

Background of the IoT Module (Yellow GPS Sticker on Battery)

In the past, we supplied batteries with a yellow GPS sticker (IoT module). This allowed customers to use additional features, such as pairing the battery, receiving push notifications, and receiving battery advice. We offered all of these services free of charge, without any additional costs to our customers. We invested in this to gain experience.

Change for All Batteries

The current electric bicycles being delivered no longer have this module and cannot use these additional features. For the batteries that still have a yellow sticker/IoT module, these functions will also be discontinued.

Van Raam E-bike App Update

After the update of the Van Raam E-bike app for iOS and Android, the ability to view battery data will be discontinued. The discontinuation of the IoT module has no further impact on the operation of the Van Raam E-bike app.

Features of the Van Raam E-bike App

What you can (still) do with the Van Raam E-bike app:

  • Use the app as a luxury bike computer (view speed, battery status, total distance ridden).

  • Change bike settings.

  • Send an SOS message with GPS location to a self-chosen number.

  • View ridden routes.

  • View information about the bike (bike information such as type, motor color. How often has it been ridden. In which mode).

Reasons for this Decision

Why are we making this decision to disable the IoT module? Here are the main reasons:

  1. Stability: We noticed that the connection via the IoT module was not always stable and did not meet our high-quality standards.

  2. Cost vs. Benefits: The benefits of the IoT module did not outweigh the investments we made and would have to continue making to keep this platform running.

  3. Technological Changes: The IoT module uses the 2G GSM network, which will no longer be supported in the Netherlands by 2025, rendering the module technologically outdated. In America and other countries, due to the phasing out, the 2G network coverage is already very poor. In Europe, support for 2G will also expire in the foreseeable future.

  4. Security: The security of the connection between the IoT module and the server is becoming outdated, making it no longer possible to securely transmit battery data.

We understand that this may take some getting used to, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. We remain committed to delivering high-quality products and services to our customers and look forward to new innovations in the future. If you have any questions about this change or would like more information, our staff is ready to assist you.

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Written by
Van Raam

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