Customer Experiences

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Every day, Van Raam receives kind messages from its users. We'd like to share some of these messages with you so that we can show you the many possibilities of using a custom bike. Do you have a Van Raam bike yourself, or have you ever ridden one of our bikes and would you like to share your experience? Then fill out our customer experience form.

See below for various customer experiences:

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32 Customer experiences
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Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle electric - Stelwagen

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle electric - Stelwagen

9 / 10

Franklin Stelwagen -

As a result of decreased strength in his left leg, aging, and falling when stepping off, Franklin decided to look at tricycles. The Easy Rider came out as the only suitable option. Read more about Franklin and his Easy Rider tricycle electric in this customer experience.

Customer experience electric tricycle Easy Rider – Jansen

Customer experience electric tricycle Easy Rider – Jansen

9 / 10

Erica Jansen - Mango Mobility Utrecht

Due to loss of strength in her leg, Erica regularly fell over with her electric bicycle. This caused a fear of falling when cycling. Because Erica wanted to keep on cycling, she bought a Van Raam Easy Rider electric tricycle. Read her experience here.

Customer experience Easy Rider trike bike - Linda Nanning

Customer experience Easy Rider trike bike - Linda Nanning

10 / 10

Linda Nanning

After years of ignoring symptoms, Linda can no longer avoid it; she has to go to the doctor. A referral to the neurologist and various tests follow, the result: a muscle disease. Her life is completely turned upside down and she is confronted with her limitations. After 10 years of not cycling because of a lot of pain, her physiotherapist has an idea: half an hour cycling on the Easy Rider trike bike. Linda does not want to and is skeptical, but tries anyway. Read the story of Linda Nanning here.

Customer experience Easy Rider electric 3-wheeler - Marco Alms

Customer experience Easy Rider electric 3-wheeler - Marco Alms

10 / 10

Marco Alms

Marco is dependent on a wheelchair and because of his intervertebral discs and shoulder he cannot 'feel the wind through his hair' for a long time. Recently Marco got the Easy Rider electric 3 wheeler bike, which has opened new perspectives for him. Read Marco's story here.

Customer experience Easy Rider electric tricycle – Albert Bloemendaal

Customer experience Easy Rider electric tricycle – Albert Bloemendaal

10 / 10

Albert Bloemendaal

Van Raam regularly receives nice mails and letters from customers with a Van Raam bicycle. From Albert Bloemendaal we received a nice letter by post. In this letter he says that he, his wife and daughter all cycle with an Easy Rider tricycle. Read the letter and more about their experience with the Easy Rider here.

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle AE van t Hof

Customer experience Easy Rider adult tricycle - AE van 't Hof

9 / 10

AE van 't Hof

Mrs. Van 't Hof felt increasingly unsafe on her own her bicycle. After falling several times, she decided it could no longer go on like this. Read her story here.hip and knee replacementvery happy!

Customer experience Van Raam Fun2Go buddy bike Stoffel and Nele

Customer experience Fun2Go buddy bike - Stoffel and Nele

9.5 / 10

Stoffel and Nele - GOED TZW ROESELARE

Stoffel and Nele both have office jobs that require them to sit for long periods of time. Stoffel has had a visual handicap since birth and has difficulty keeping his balance. Nele suffers from poor circulation in her legs due to a congenital vascular malformation. Read more about Stoffel and Nele's story about their Fun2Go buddy bike here.

Customer experience Maxi electric tricycle – v.d. Donk-Suk

Customer experience Maxi electric tricycle – Nannie v.d. Donk-Suk

10 / 10

Nannie v.d. Donk-Suk - Care4More

Nannie has chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP), a condition of the nerves that leads to a reduction or change in sensation and muscle function. Now, with the help of rehabilitation, she can cycle again on the Maxi electric tricycle! Read Nannie's story here.

Customer experience Easy Rider adult e trike - Gabriele Wirth

Customer experience Easy Rider adult e trike - Gabriele Wirth

10 / 10

Gabriele Wirth

We regularly receive messages from customers about their (new) Van Raam bike. Gabriele Wirth is one of them. Read more about her experiences with the Easy Rider electric e trike below.

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