Customer experiences

Customer experience Maxi electric tricycle – Nannie v.d. Donk-Suk

Customer experience Maxi electric tricycle – v.d. Donk-Suk
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Nannie has chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP), a condition of the nerves that leads to a reduction or change in sensation and muscle function. Now, with the help of rehabilitation, she can cycle again on the Maxi electric tricycle! Read Nannie's story here.

Maxi tricycle
Pedal assist, Mirror, Balanced pedal with strap, Baskets
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  • customer experience nannie vd donk suk maxi tricycle van raam
  • customer experience nannie vd donk suk maxi electric tricycle van raam


"I am Nannie v.d. Donk-Suk and I am 65 years old. Together with my husband, I live in a village near Eemshaven. My hobbies include reading, cycling and walking. I bought the Maxi electric tricycle because I have chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (CIAP). Before, I used to cycle on a bicycle with pedal support and after that I had a mobility scooter for 5 years. With the help of rehabilitation I can cycle and walk again.

I use my Maxi to go shopping, to visit people, and to make bicycle trips between 25 km/day and 250 km/week. The Maxi is a great bike, in good weather we can easily cycle 50 km! The starting aid is a very nice feature of the bike. The best moment with my bike was when I had to climb a very steep bridge, we had a lot of fun."

If the weather is good, we can easily cycle 50 km!

Nannie v.d. Donk-Suk

Maxi electric tricycle

"In January 2021, I bought the bike, which I paid for myself. On my Maxi, I have pedal assistance, a mirror, balance pedals and two baskets. I also use the Van Raam e-bike app. I already knew about Van Raam because I used to work in the healthcare sector myself. On the website, I watched several videos and read articles. I ordered the Maxi via Care4More Drachten. This went well because I already knew what would suit me. I give my Maxi electric tricycle a 10!”

Nannie v.d. Donk-Suk – Uithuizermeeden
Bike: Maxi electric tricycle

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