Customer experiences

Customer experience electric tricycle Easy Rider – Jansen

Customer experience electric tricycle Easy Rider – Jansen
9 / 10

Due to loss of strength in her leg, Erica regularly fell over with her electric bicycle. This caused a fear of falling when cycling. Because Erica wanted to keep on cycling, she bought a Van Raam Easy Rider electric tricycle. Read her experience here.

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist, Stick holder, Mirror, Baskets
Mango Mobility Utrecht
Configure your bike

Electric tricycle Easy Rider as a solution

“I am 71 years old, and I love being creative en cycling. I used to cycle on an electric bicycle, but due to loss of strength in my right leg, I regularly fell over with my bike. I knew then that I needed another bike. I saw the Easy Rider electric tricycle several times on the road. When I needed one myself, I went to the website of Van Raam. Here, I could easily find what I was looking for.

Then, I took a test drive at the dealer located in Vianen/Utrecht. It was very pleasant: they took all the time I needed, the advisor was professional and understood my fear of falling. I also got the encouragement there that I would certainly succeed in cycling on an electric tricycle.”

Customer experience electric tricycle Easy Rider Erica Jansen

I got the encouragement there that I would certainly succeed in cycling on an electric tricycle.

Erica Jansen

Many bike rides on the Easy Rider

“I have the bike for 4 months now and I ride it every day. I usually cycle about 200 kilometres a week! On the tricycle, I have the pedal support system, a stick holder, a mirror and a wicker basket on the back. What I like about this electric tricycle, apart from all the technical gadgets, is the stability, the good manoeuvrability, the ability to cycle backwards and the beautiful appearance. I am very happy with this bicycle, and I also get a lot of positive comments from people who say they like the bike so much. Also, other road users take you into account when you are in a narrow street for example. They will wait for you. And the ‘thumbs up’ when I meet another Van Raam cyclist. The three Van Raam bicycles in a row is also very nice, like in the photo.”

Erica Jansen – North Holland
*The name of the customer has been changed for privacy reasons.
Bicycle: Electric tricycle Easy Rider

Pros & cons
  • Stability
  • Agility
  • Attractive appearance
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