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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Customer experience Easy Rider electric tricycle – Albert Bloemendaal

Van Raam regularly receives nice mails and letters from customers with a Van Raam bicycle. From Albert Bloemendaal we received a nice letter by post. In this letter he says that he, his wife and daughter all cycle with an Easy Rider tricycle. Read the letter and more about their experience with the Easy Rider here.
Letter about experience with Easy Rider electric tricycle
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I send you two pictures we took after my wife also (!) got her Easy Rider. I have cycled 1750 km on my tricycle since July 2020, which already indicates how this 'bike' has found its place in our family.
I mention that the persons you see on the accompanying photos are respectively 60, 87 and 92 years old. We can say without doubt that the Easy Rider has brought our daily life back to the level of years before when 3000 km per year was normal.
In a nutshell, the Easy Rider has brought back the lively life we were used to but had to minimize due to the increased risk.
That the 'bike' has become a particularly aesthetically pleasing object also contributes to the pleasure of cycling.
With kind regards,
Albert L. Bloemendaal

Comfort and freedom of the tricycle
Albert was so kind to send us the nice pictures digitally, so we can place them here. In the mail contact in April 2021 Albert indicated that he got a lot of comfort and freedom from the Easy Rider tricycle:"And then again, a truly new life has been created because the comfort and freedom that this bicycle gives you is a factor in your daily life. In short, if a tricycle becomes necessary, make it something special. Meanwhile, I have cycled the first 2000 kilometres, after 9 months."
2 generations cycling on Easy Rider 2 and Easy Rider 3 tricycle
As Albert tells in his letter, he and his wife and their daughter have an Easy Rider electric tricycle. That the Easy Rider is suitable for all ages, proves this sporty family. Albert is 92 years old, his wife 87 years old and their daughter 60 years old.
Albert and his daughter cycle on an Easy Rider 2, this is the forerunner of the current Easy Rider tricycle. Albert's wife cycles on the Easy Rider 3. Curious about the differences between both models? Check out the design differences in the article 'What are the differences in design between the tricycles Easy Rider 3 and 2?' and the technical differences in the article 'What are the technical differences between the tricycles Easy Rider 3 and 2?'.

A truly new life has been created because the comfort and freedom that this bicycle gives you is a factor in your daily life.
Albert BloemendaalOptions on the electric tricycle Easy Rider
Albert, his wife and daughter ride an Easy Rider electric tricycle with pedal support. The whole family has opted for a mirror, which allows them to see the traffic behind them. All three of them have also installed a basket or storage box on the carrier.
Albert Bloemendaal – Nijverdal
Bike: Easy Rider electric tricycle