Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider adult tricycle - AE van 't Hof

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle AE van t Hof
9 / 10

Mrs. Van 't Hof felt increasingly unsafe on her own her bicycle. After falling several times, she decided it could no longer go on like this. Read her story here.hip and knee replacementvery happy!

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist, Basket, Mirrors
Configure your bike

My vision is not very good, and on top of that I have both a hip and knee replacement. This reduces my mobility a lot. After falling off and on with my bike a few times, I didn't dare to ride it anymore. When I wanted to take a turn, my bike wouldn't do what I wanted and I got scared. At that moment I decided to look for another way to keep moving and cycling.

I dare to cycle again

Then the Easy Rider adult tricycle came my way. I have an adult tricycle with basket, pedal assistance and mirros. Now I dare to cycle again and even look around me. I'm very happy!

AE van ’t Hof – Ede, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider adult tricycle

Customer experience Easy Rider adult tricycle AE van 't Hof
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