Operating a mobility scooter
A mobility scooter has its own control system with levers and buttons and is very different from driving a car or bicycle. The buttons are often used to indicate direction, use the lighting or switch the mobility scooter on and off. The levers are used to brake or to give gas.
Before you going to hit the road with a mobility scooter, it is also important to get used to the operation of the gas / brake combination. The operation often works against your every instinct. The (hand) brake on a bicycle, for example, is sometimes the gas handle on a mobility scooter. With most mobility scooters you give gas by squeezing the speed control lever and you brake by releasing the lever. To brake, the speed control lever on the steering wheel must be released. The brake system is thus activated when the speed control lever is released. That is completely opposite to the hand brakes of a bicycle. According to traffic psychologist Gerard Tertoolen, this is a dangerous technique, because people fall back on their unconscious reflexes in a panic situation and hold on to the steering wheel instead of letting go.