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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Margriet Gombert

Margriet has polyarthritis, wears a knee brace on her left leg, and her right ankle joint is fixed. As a result, she lacks the strength in her legs for a standard e-bike. Read more about Margriet's experience with the Easy Rider tricycle from Van Raam here.
"My name is Margriet, I am 58 years old, married, and living in Steenwijk. I cycle and swim to keep my body in shape and to strengthen my muscles. I have beautiful cats, Maine Coons, which I love very much. Additionally, I enjoy reading and writing, and I create beautiful macramé items.
I have polyarthritis, I wear a knee brace on my left leg, and my right ankle joint is fused. Because of this, I lack the strength in my legs, and cycling on a standard e-bike was too difficult. I particularly struggled with getting started, mounting and dismounting, and making emergency stops became too dangerous. I frequently fell.
Prior to this, I used a mobility scooter, but I found it terrible. I missed the freedom of cycling myself. Staying active is much more fun and better! I then briefly returned to using my standard e-bike, but it was no longer feasible."
My Easy Rider tricycle
"Since June 2024, I have had my Easy Rider tricycle. I acquired it through the Wmo (Social Support Act). If I had to describe my bike in one word: amazing! It broadens my world. I call my bike my mammoth go-kart, as its design reminds me of that. If you break the Dutch word apart, it says 'mam must go-kart,' which perfectly captures its essence for me!
I mainly use my Easy Rider for social activities like grocery shopping, going to sports or physiotherapy, and for relaxation. Cycling is very beneficial for me both physically and mentally. Fresh air, nature, and being able to participate just like everyone else is so important! I've only had the bike for 2 weeks now, and I've already cycled 200 kilometers!"
Cycling does me a lot of good both physically and mentally.
Margriet GombertPersonalizing my tricycle
"In terms of options on my tricycle, I have electric pedal assist, a cane holder, and a mirror. Additionally, there is a crank attached to my left pedal, and armrests will be added (they are on backorder). I also added a bike crate myself.
Thanks to the electric pedal assist, I can use the starting aid, which I really appreciate. Other positive aspects of the bike are its good road holding, ease of use, and the comfortable backrest on the tricycle.
There are a few issues that I am struggling with. I have a bit of trouble cycling backward; I have to pedal quite hard to use that function. Additionally, a steering lock would be a better option for me than the current lock (on the front wheel). When I use the 'comfortable' mode of the pedal assist, the battery drains faster than in the lower 'eco' mode, but unfortunately, the eco mode doesn't provide me with enough help while cycling. Also, due to its length, the bike barely fits in our garage.
The cutest comment about my Easy Rider came from my 2-year-old grandson. When he saw the bike, he said, 'Grandma, you have training wheels!' Another funny remark was someone thinking it was a special sports bike. I only get positive reactions; people find the bike beautiful and sporty and are happy for me that I can cycle again!"
Van Raam thinks in terms of possibilities, not limitations.
Margriet GombertContact with Van Raam
"My sister-in-law also has an Easy Rider, and my occupational therapist suggested that I visit a Van Raam dealer or the Van Raam showroom in Varsseveld. I've extensively read through their website, explored other customer experiences, and watched many instructional videos from Van Raam. We also visited nearby dealers to try out another model.
I visited Van Raam's location in Varsseveld, and I'm very glad I did. Everything was perfectly adjusted for me there. We were welcomed with coffee, and after a discussion, it became clear that the Easy Rider was the best option for me. The explanation was clear, and together with the instructor, I could test the bike on their beautiful test track, which simulated various street situations. Afterward, I got to take a ride around the neighborhood, trying out as many obstacles as possible. They carefully assessed which adjustments were necessary for me and which settings of the pedal assist felt good. Everything was documented in a fitting proposal/quote, which could largely be adopted by Van Raam dealer RSR/Welzorg.
I am very satisfied with the service from Van Raam. Everyone at the company in Varsseveld is very friendly and helpful. The company exudes trust and expertise. Van Raam thinks in terms of possibilities, not limitations.
I give the Easy Rider tricycle a rating of 8! In my opinion, there are still some areas for improvement, but I am super proud of my Easy Rider. I love how Van Raam helps to open up the world again for people with disabilities. I am very grateful for that!"
Margriet Gombert – Steenwijk, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider tricycle

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