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In our news articles you can read more about our bicycles, the latest developments and see the latest tips for using your bicycle. On the news pages you will be informed and kept up to date about everything concerning Van Raam, our dealers and our special needs bikes.

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Instruction for the Van Raam pedal support system Display

Instruction for the Van Raam pedal support system Display

Do you already have an electric Van Raam bike or are you considering buying an adapted electric bike? Are you looking for clear instructions and explanations on how the Van Raam pedal support system Display works? Then take a look at our instruction video and the accompanying explanation text in this article, where we explain how to use it simply and clearly, so that you can use it directly and enjoy cycling your electric Van Raam bicycle to the fullest.

tricycle with shoulder control

Special tricycle with shoulder control

As a manufacturer of special needs bikes, we have many different tricycles in our product range. All Van Raam bikes can be expanded with a variety of options and accessories. However, sometimes adding options is not enough and a ‘special’ Van Raam bike will be made.

Unique riding characteristics of the OPair wheelchair bike

Unique riding characteristics of the OPair wheelchair bike

The OPair wheelchair bike is suitable for people who are no longer able to ride a bike independently. It offers a combination of a wheelchair and a bicycle intended for two people, where the wheelchair user can sit in the front in a seat. The bike has been developed over the years. Therefore has unique driving characteristics in addition to its transport properties. Would you like to know what these are? Then read on with this article.

OPair wheelchair by Van Raam - Sequim Wheelers

Volunteers cycle with Van Raam duo bike and wheelchair bike

In the north of the United States volunteers of a non-profit organization cycle on a Van Raam wheelchair bike OPair and a duo bike Fun2Go together with elderly and people with a disability. With Sequim Wheelers passengers and volunteers get the opportunity to cycle together for free on The Olympic Discovery Trail in Sequim, Washington. Read more about the Sequim Wheelers and the bikes they ride.

Unique riding characteristics of the Fun2Go duo bike

Unique riding characteristics of the Fun2Go duo bike

The Fun2Go duo bike has become an everyday part of road traffic. Many health care institutions and private individuals use this tricycle tandem to enjoy cycling together. Since the bicycle is constantly being further developed, the Fun2Go duo bike has unique riding characteristics. Discover in this article what these unique riding characteristics are.

Service department Van Raam air humidification system

Innovative air humidification system at Van Raam

In the beginning of 2019 Van Raam moved to a new bicycle factory. This new bicycle factory is a modern and sustainable building. In addition to triple glass, solar panels and a modern installation system, Van Raam recently also got a new air humidification system of B&B Humidification. This special system humidifies the air by atomizing water, also called adiabatic humidification. Read more about the system and read the article in the magazine Installatie Totaal.

frequently asked questions van raam app

Frequently asked questions Van Raam App

Find answers to your questions about the E-Bike app or your Smart E-Bike.

Foundation helps with side-by-side tandem for care farm

Foundation helps with side-by-side tandem for care farm

Visitors of the care farm It Klokhús in Idzega (in Friesland, a province in the Netherlands) and inhabitants of Friesland can now use a side-by-side tandem by the Edwin van der Sar Foundation. In the summer of 2019 the care farm received a request for the purchase of a side-by-side tandem. After one year of saving and partly through gifts, donations and fundraising, the Fun2Go duo bike could be purchased through the Edwin van der Sar Foundation at the end of May 2020. Read more about the side-by-side tandem for the care farm and the foundation, at which people with disabilities can cycle with a bicycle buddy.

connect with the van raam e-bike app

Connect your adapted bike to the Van Raam e-bike app

The Van Raam bike/e-bike app is a free app for the smartphone. Learn in this article and video how you can connect an electric Van Raam bicycle to the e-bike app, as a Van Raam bicycle owner and also as a dealer, this can be relevant for service related support tasks.

Van Raam rickshaw bike Chat at ALTERAktiv in Siegen

Van Raam rickshaw bike Chat at ALTERAktiv in Siegen

The Van Raam rickshaw bike Chat is available for rides at ALTERAktiv Fahrrad in Siegen. Would you like to know why they do this and what their first experiences are? Then read on and also watch the video from the german television station WDR in "Lokalzeit".

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Customer experiences
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
10 / 10
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
February 2014 changed Suze's life forever. A bacterial infection caused sepsis, leaving her in a coma for 3 months and requiring both her lower legs and hands to be amputated. Read Suze Korver's admirable story in this customer experience and watch the video.
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User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
10 / 10
User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
I'm Kevin, 14 years old and I live at home with my parents. I can't talk and I'm wheelchair dependent. I like to watch videos on YouTube on my iPad, but what I like even more is being outside and cycle around on my VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike, together with my mom and dad.
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Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
9 / 10
Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
De Bever Verhuur in Ouddorp stimulates joint movement in the open air, with their broad offer of (electric) means of transportation, including special bikes. They already have been using the Fun2Go 1 for a longer period and also tested the Fun2Go 2 recently. In this customer experience you will read more about De Bever Verhuur und their findings concerning the double bike.
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