OPair wheelchair by Van Raam - Sequim Wheelers


Volunteers cycle with Van Raam duo bike and wheelchair bike

Bikes \ Cycling together
Van Raam
OPair wheelchair by Van Raam - Sequim Wheelers

In the north of the United States volunteers of a non-profit organization cycle on a Van Raam wheelchair bike OPair and a duo bike Fun2Go together with elderly and people with a disability. With Sequim Wheelers passengers and volunteers get the opportunity to cycle together for free on The Olympic Discovery Trail in Sequim, Washington. Read more about the Sequim Wheelers and the bikes they ride.

Sequim Wheelers

Sequim Wheelers was founded in July 2018. It is a non-profit organization in which volunteers make free bike rides with elderly and people with a disability. They make these bike rides on the Olympic Disovery Trail in Sequim with wheelchair bikes and recently a duo bike.

With the support of the community it is possible to offer the free bike rides and to purchase special needs bikes. The goal of the organization is to build an inclusive community where everyone can enjoy the Olympic Discovery Trail without being limited in physical possibilities. Volunteers receive training before they make bike rides. During this training they will make two bike rides on the Olympic Discovery Trail before they are allowed to take a passenger with them.

On the website of the Sequim Wheelers and the Facebook page you will find more information, it is possible for people to sign up as a volunteer or passenger and you can donate.

Website Sequim Wheelers

Sequim Wheelers with Van Raam Fun2Go side-by-side tandem

Cycling on the Olympic Discovery Trail

The Olympic Discovery Trail is a car-free trail of more than 200 kilometres in the north of Washington State. It is located on the peninsula Olympic, also called Olympic Peninsula. Part of this peninsula is a national park, through which the trail also runs. The trail runs from Port Townsend and ends at the coast. The route is mainly used for hiking, running and cycling and is available all year round.

The average ride of the Sequim Wheelers on the route takes 45 minutes to an hour. A ride starts often at the Dungeness River Audubon Center, but the organization also collaborates with a number of care institutions in Sequim and they can pick up passengers at their location.

  • OPair wheelchair by Van Raam - Sequim Wheelers

    Sequim Wheelers with OPair wheelchair bike (source: Facebook page Sequim Wheelers)

  • Fun2Go duobike and Sequim Wheelers

    Fun2Go duo bike (source: Facebook page Sequim Wheelers)

  • Sequim Wheelers cycle with OPair wheelchair bike

    Sequim Wheelers cycle with the OPair wheelchair bike (source: Facebookpagina Sequim Wheelers)

  • Sequim wheelers with Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike

    Cycling with the Van Raam OPair (source: Facebook page Sequim Wheelers)

  • Van Raam duo bike Fun2Go Sequim Wheelers

    Van Raam duo bike Fun2Go with the Sequim Wheelers (source: Facebook page Sequim Wheelers)

  • Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike with the Sequim Wheelers

    The Sequim Wheelers with wheelchair bike (souce: Facebook page Sequim Wheelers)

Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike

The Fun2Go duo bike is a three-wheel tandem where the cyclists sit next to each other, which enables good communication between the cyclists and provides perfect visibility and attention for the co-driver. The main driver can steer and brake, the co-driver can ride along. The duo bike has no entry, is easy to steer and very stable.

The Fun2Go duo bike can be expanded with various options. With the electric pedal support system it is possible to cycle in three different support positions. The simple operation of this system makes cycling on a duo bike possible for everyone. Behind the Fun2Go a FunTrain duo bike trailer can also be attached, this way an attendant with 3 passengers can cycle. The Fun2Go has been developed more and more in the past years, take a look at these developments in the article: 'Van Raam duo bike Fun2Go over the years'. See more about the Fun2Go on the product page.

More about the Fun2Go

Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike for cycling together

Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike

The OPair wheelchair bicycle is a bicycle with a attached seat for a wheelchair user. The driver has a good view on the road and the passenger. Optionally, it is possible to choose a divisible frame. The front part of the bicycle can then be disconnected from the rest of the frame, so that the seat can be used as a wheelchair on location. The other wheelchair bike from Van Raam is the VeloPlus, this bike has a tilted ramp, on which someone can sit in their own wheelchair.

The wheels at the front are slightly angled and give the bike extra riding comfort and stability. Also take a look at how the Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike has been developed over the years in the article: 'Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike over the years'. Find out more about OPair on the product page.

More about the OPair

Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike for cycling together

Cycling together on a special needs bike

Wheelchair bikes and duo bikes are multi-person bikes where you cycle together. The Sequim Wheelers are inspired to cycle together due to a study by Alberta Health Services. Cycling together in the fresh air and sunlight ensures that people with disabilities feel good about themselves and cycling is healthy. Thanks to such cycling trips, they see that depression decreases and that this has a positive effect on sleep, appetite and much more.

You can also read more about cycling together in the article 'Cycling together with a special needs bike'.

Cycling together

Cycling with a disability

If cycling becomes difficult due to your disability, you have the option to look at a special needs bike. Van Raam has adaptedbikes that are suitable for different disabilities. A special needs bike makes cycling (together) with a disability often possible again. A disability can be anything, that's why there are many different types of special needs bikes. Van Raam has a lot of different models of bikes, so there is often a bike to suit your needs. The adapted bikes can be extended with different options, such as pedal support or accessories.

Read more in the article 'Cycling with a disability'.

Cycling with a disability

Special needs bikes for seniors

Van Raam has several special needs bicycles that are very suitable for the elderly. This varies from single-person bicycles, such as low entry bicycles and tricycles to multi-person bicycles, such as wheelchair bikes, tandems or the duo bike. There are many possibilities, so that the elderly can also cycle (for a longer period of time). Read more about Van Raam bicycles for the elderly in the articles 'Duo bike Fun2Go contributes to the care of the elderly' and 'Cycling with senior citizen on the OPair wheelchair bike'.

Take a look at all our bikes to see which one is suitable for you.

View our bikes

Read more about the duo bike and wheelchair bike

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