Through the self founded foundation It Klokhús everyone in the neighborhood can use the side-by-side tandem. Jantina tells the Sneeker Nieuwsblad: "We believe that everyone who is part of the target group is allowed to use the bicycle, so that we can all continue to enjoy this beautiful area. The bicycle can therefore be rented for a small contribution, with the proceeds being used for maintenance and repairs". The target group includes people with disabilities in movement, hearing, vision, balance and cognition (e.g. dementia). With Stichting It Klokhús people can rent the side-by-side tandem, but people with disabilities can also cycle together with a volunteer. Volunteers can sign up with the foundation as a 'cycling buddy', so that they can commit themselves as a companion. Read more about this on the website of Stichting It Klokhús.