New Van Raam Veloplus wheelchair bikes on the road


New Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bikes on the road

Bikes \ Wheelchair bikes
Van Raam
New Van Raam Veloplus wheelchair bikes on the road

A Van Raam special needs bike usually only comes into the picture when cycling on a conventional two-wheel bike is no longer possible. But what if you are (or someone else is) in a wheelchair and still want to feel the wind in your hair? Then the Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bike is the solution! Wheelchair bikes were taken into use at three care institutions in both the Netherlands and Belgium in the autumn of 2019. Read more about this in the article.

Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bike

The Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bike is a bicycle where a wheelchair can be placed on the front. This allows a wheelchair user and a driver to enjoy beautiful cycling trips again. The wheelchair can be placed on the tilting platform without much effort and can be secured here by using the wheelchair lock. The advantage of the VeloPlus wheelchair bike is that the wheelchair user does not have to leave his or her own wheelchair and still sits on the bike in a stable and safe position.

As soon as a Van Raam wheelchair bike can be useful, you first want to know which wheelchair bike is most suitable for you. This can be done by means of a free test ride in our showroom in Varsseveld. Our technical advisors will help you find the right bike.

Do you want to read everything about the VeloPlus wheelchair bike? Click on the button.

VeloPlus wheelchair bike

New Van Raam Veloplus wheelchair bikes on the road

Purchasing a wheelchair bike

As soon as the test ride has been made and you know which bike is suitable for you, the bike still has to be financed. This can be done in a number of ways. For example, buying the bike itself from your Van Raam dealer, from a third party, with help of a sponsorship campaign or even from a donation. Would you like more tips on how to purchase a special needs bike? Click on the button to go to the article.

More tips for purchasing a Van Raam bike

New VeloPlus wheelchair bikes on the road

In the last few months, several Van Raam VeloPlus bicycles have been put into use. These bicycles are financed in different ways, but the goal is the same for everyone: to help people in wheelchairs to go out by bike again!

Below you can read three stories about VeloPlus bicycles that were taken into use in the autumn of 2019:

Wheelchair bike in use by the municipality of Berkelland

In the municipality of Berkelland, in cooperation with Geesterens Belang (a local organisation), the municipality of Berkelland and a donation from the Fund 2013, a VeloPlus wheelchair bicycle has been brought in for the municipality. The bicycle is intended for residents of the municipality of Berkelland who want to enjoy a nice bike ride, but who are in a wheelchair. It is often difficult to make a trip together with wheelchair users, and the intention is that the bicycle will make this easier.

The bicycle is ready for use at the De Leerkotte care farm. Owner Alie Meerbeek indicates that everyone enjoys it and because you are close to each other there is good contact with one another. Source: Nieuws uit Berkelland

Click on the button to read the article on the Nieuws uit Berkelland website in Dutch.

More about the VeloPlus at Berkelland

New Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bikes on the road at Berkelland
Source: Nieuws uit Berkelland

Wheelchair bike for residential care centre Schoonderhage

At the Schoonderhage residential care centre, located at Aardeweg in Outer (Belgium), a fourth electric VeloPlus wheelchair bicycle has been taken into use. Schoonderhage takes care of people with a disability. In addition to a mental disability, some residents also have a physical disability and are therefore bound to their wheelchairs. They are often unable to move the wheelchair themselves and are therefore dependent on guidance. For this reason, the movements are often limited to the immediate surroundings. With the electric wheelchair bicycle, the attendant can go further and more easily with the wheelchair users. Think of shopping, participating in cultural activities, to a terrace or just a bike ride. The bicycle could be purchased with the help of the National Lottery. Source: HLN

Click on the button to read the complete article on the HLN website in Dutch.

More about the VeloPlus at Schoonderhage

New Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bikes on the road at Schoonderhage
Source: HLN. Photo: RV

It is wonderful to get a little further away than usual and feel the wind in your hair.

Resident of residential care centre Het Anker

A VeloPlus for residential care centre Het Anker

The activity coordinators of residential care centre Het Anker in Voorburg can make use of a wheelchair bicycle thanks to the help of the organisation Inner Wheel. Inner Wheel has over 100,000 members in more than 100 countries. They are there for each other, but also for others. This can be seen in their projects and activities. For example, Inner Wheel has set up a fundraising campaign to raise the amount so that the bicycle could be purchased for Het Anker.

The bicycle with pedal support can be used by the activity coordinators to travel longer distances and to make a cycling tour. One of the residents commented: "It is wonderful to get a little further away than usual and feel the wind in your hair". Source: Het Krantje online

Click on the button to read the article on de Het Krantje online website in Dutch. 

More about the wheelchair bike at Het Anker

New Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bikes on the road at Het Anker
Source: Het Krantje-online. Photo: PR.

Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike

In addition to the VeloPlus wheelchair bike, Van Raam also has another wheelchair bike in its product range: the OPair wheelchair bike. The OPair is suitable for children or adults who can no longer cycle independently. But is also suitable for people who can take a few steps on their own and are often dependent on a wheelchair. Learn more about the wheelchair bicycle in the article 'A Van Raam wheelchair bike in your daily life'.

Click on the button to read everything about the OPair wheelchair bike.


OPair wheelchair bike Van Raam

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Which type of wheelchair bike is most suitable for you?

For people who can’t (no longer) cycle on a regular bike and who are wheelchair-dependent we have a good and safe alternative. The wheelchair bikes are used to enable a wheelchair –dependent person to travel by cycle. Van Raam special needs bikes has various types of wheelchairbikes: The OPair wheel-chair bike and the VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike. We would like tot give you more information about the different wheelchair models.

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