VeloPlus, bike for people with a wheelchair
The VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike is designed for transporting people, who can remain seated in their own wheelchair, by cycle. The passenger is not required to be transferred between the wheelchair and the cycle. The co-rider can be wheeled on to the plateau of the cycle easily without having to be lifted. The tilted ramp makes it easy to roll the wheelchair on to the wheel-chair bike and fasten it properly with the wheelchair lock. Like all other Van Raam bicycles, the VeloPlus has a quality frame produced at Van Raam in the Netherlands.
From mid-October 2016 it is possible to buy this completely new VeloPlus wheelchair bike at one of the Van Raam dealers.
For more information, the technical specifications and the pricelist of the new Veloplus wheelchair bike, visit the special VeloPlus webpage.