Van Raam 3 wheel electric scooter for elderly
The Easy Go is an (electric) 3 wheel bike and a mobility scooter in one. While riding, you can easily switch between the three modes:
Cycling completely on your own,
cycling with pedal assist,
or riding in mobility scooter mode.
While cycling with electric pedal assist, you can use three support levels. In addition, it is always possible to cycle/ride forwards as well as backwards. In the mobility scooter mode, you can let your feet rest on the retractable footrest. 'The Easy go 3 wheel scooter is ideally suited for seniors with varying energy levels, as it is easy to switch between the three modes. Seniorscan continue to cycle on the Easy Go. When this becomes too tiring, they can easily switch to the mobility scooter mode. In this way, they can stay mobile longer.