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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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User experience scooter bike Easy Go - Natascha van Leeuwen

Natascha van Leeuwen (49) uses the Van Raam's mobility scooter bike Easy Go since February 2019. In 2014, Natascha heard that she has Parkinson's disease, because she still wants to keep her mobility and stay independent, she went looking for (and tries) different mobility aids. For example, during her daytime activity group she cycled on the Fun2Go side by side tandem, she tried the Maxi tricycle and she rode a mobility scooter. Eventually she concluded that the Easy Go mobility scooter bike suits her best. Read in this user experience the experiences of Natascha with her Easy Go.
Searching for a suitable special needs bicycle
Although Natascha has only received her Easy Go mobility scooter bike in February 2019, she already knew more about special needs bicycles. Natascha, for example, started out on the Fun2Go side-by-side tandem during her daytime activities group. It was nice that she could cycle again with this bike, but the disadvantage was that this was only possible if someone went along.
Because Natascha also wants to cycle independently, other options were then considered. For example, she has tried the Maxi tricycle from Van Raam, but she soon discovered that this bike was also not suitable for her. This was partly due to the feeling that she was sitting rather high and therefore staggered. After trying the Huka Orthros again, she had to admit that this bike was not suitable for her either.

Your technical advisor Stefan is a great guy, he really takes the time for you and thinks along with you.
Natascha van LeeuwenShe then used a mobility scooter for a while. Because she sat rather cramped on the mobility scooter, this option was not ideal.
Natascha eventually searched the internet for suitable transport and ended up on the Van Raam website. She soon saw the Easy Go and she decided to search for more information about this scooter bike. She watched the videos on our website and completed her search by planning a test ride.
Test ride at location with technical advisor Van Raam
Because it was difficult for Natascha to come to Varsseveld, our technical advisor Stefan came to Natascha with the Easy Go mobility scooter bike. Natascha was then able to make a test ride with the Easy Go and in the meantime, Stefan looked at the options that would make the bike as enjoyable as possible. Natascha was very pleased with the visit of Stefan, with the big advantage that he really takes the time and thinks along. She even calls Stefan a great guy! The test ride on location even ended with a quotation that Natascha could show to her municipality.
Ordering a special needs bike
Natascha then went to the WMO (social support act) in Tubbergen with her quotation. After approval from the WMO, the bicycle was ordered via Medipoint. Van Raam does not deliver directly to the end user.
Cycling lessons with special needs bike with occupational therapist
In February it was time! The Easy Go mobility scooter bike was delivered. Natascha was well prepared for the arrival of bike. Under the supervision of an occupational therapist, she started cycling on the Easy Go. After 2 visits, the occupational therapist had to run after Natascha because she already knew exactly how the bike worked and she cycled a lot harder than in the beginning.
After Natascha was sure that the Easy Go was the most suitable vehicle for her, she only uses her Easy Go mobility scooter bicycle.
Experiences with scooter bike Easy Go
To this day, Natascha is still enjoying the bike rides with her Easy Go. Although the bicycle has a mobility scooter function, she has never used it once. Natascha prefers to cycle with the pedal support in position 1 and gear 3, often shifting to the 6th / 7th gear. She is happy that she can cycle independently again and keep moving.
Natascha uses the bicycle to go to her daytime activities group, for groceries and other
weekday activities. Natascha is now very happy with cycling with the Easy Go, but it does take some getting used to cycling on cobblestones or country roads that are not even. This is mainly due to the fact that the bicycle has three wheels and all three wheels are in contact with the road surface, so that you can get the feeling that you are going crooked.
Natascha would like more storage space on her bike. At this moment it is possible to place a basket on the front of the bike and possibly a backpack to hang around her seat.Â
All in all, the bike is excellent and Natascha is happy that she can cycle again. She hopes she is able to use the Easy Go mobility scooter for a long time.
Want to read more about staying mobile with Van Raam special needs bikes despite Parkinson's disease? Read it in the article 'Cycling with Parkinson's disease'.
Natascha van Leeuwen - Tubbergen (the Netherlands)
Model: Easy Go