Discover our range of products
Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
Our bikes
See all our customer experiences
Every day, Van Raam receives kind messages from its users. We'd like to share some of these messages with you so that we can show you the many possibilities of using a custom bike. Do you have a Van Raam bike yourself, or have you ever ridden one of our bikes and would you like to share your experience? Then fill out our customer experience form.
See below for various customer experiences:

Customer experience Fun2Go side by side bicycle - Fred
Fred Jacquemin - ERGO VELO
Fred Jacquemin van Ergo'vélo biedt met de Van Raam Fun2Go dubbele fiets een toegankelijke en sociale fietsoptie voor ouderen en mensen met een beperking. Fred Jacquemin from Ergo'vélo offers an accessible and social cycling option for seniors and people with disabilities with the Van Raam Fun2Go side by side bicycle.

Customer experience Easy Go mobility scooter bike - Mr Van Gorkum
Mr Van Gorkum - De Zorgshop
Mr Van Gorkum is not allowed to drive due to epilepsy. Since December 2024, he has had an Easy Go mobility scooter bike and now has transport to move around his town. In this customer experience, Mr Van Gorkum shares more about his experience.

Customer experience Easy Rider Compact e tricycle - Leny
Leny Schippers - De Zorgshop
Leny hadn't dared to ride a bike for some time. After a fall prevention course, the e tricycle was mentioned, followed by a test ride on the Easy Rider Compact.

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle – Margriet Gombert
Margriet Gombert
Margriet has polyarthritis, wears a knee brace on her left leg, and her right ankle joint is fixed. As a result, she lacks the strength in her legs for a standard e-bike. Read more about Margriet's experience with the Easy Rider tricycle from Van Raam here.

Customer experience Fun2Go side by side bike – Family Kraus
Family Kraus
Wolfgang and Maria Kraus have a passion for cycling. Although they have the Fun2Go side by side bike only just for 2 years, they already cycled more than 20 000 kilometers. The many great trips improved their quality of life. Read here more about their beautiful experiences with the Fun2Go side by side bike.

Customer experience Fun2Go side by side bike - Tom DeGree
Tom DeGree
Tom DeGree’s only memory of his car accident is like a scene in a movie: “I’m lying down, and I see a woman’s face, and I see tubes,” he said. “I hear the helicopter blades, and I hear somebody say, ‘We need to put a tourniquet on.’”

Customer experience Easy Rider electric trike - Gebbinck
Tygo Gebbinck
Because of his severe epilepsy in the past, Tygo (19) can't ride a traditional bike. He recently purchased the Easy Rider three wheel electric trike. Read more about his findings here.

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Heleen Stuifzand
Heleen Stuifzand
After 2 years Heleen finally has her own Easy Rider tricycle. She likes to go out and has even participated in the four-day bike event 'Hersenletsel on Tour' (Brain Injury on Tour). Read the message from Heleen to Van Raam here.

Customer experience Easy Rider electric 3-wheeler - Marco Alms
Marco Alms
Marco is dependent on a wheelchair and because of his intervertebral discs and shoulder he cannot 'feel the wind through his hair' for a long time. Recently Marco got the Easy Rider electric 3 wheeler bike, which has opened new perspectives for him. Read Marco's story here.

Want to share your experience?
Feel free to send us a nice picture of your Van Raam bike + a brief explanation.
Customer Panel
We are constantly working to improve our bikes. Would you like to join us in brainstorming and help us enhance Van Raam bikes? Then sign up as a participant in our customer panel.