Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Sport tricycle - Maurice Walstra

Recumbent Tricycle Easy Sport by Van Raam for Alpe d'Huzes - Maurice Walstra
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Maurice's life underwent a drastic change in 2019 when he had a severe cycling accident, resulting in a broken neck. After months of intensive rehabilitation, he regained the ability to walk, but his motor skills were affected. In June 2023, he took on a remarkable challenge: climbing Alpe d'Huez. Not just any climb, as he embarked on this adventure with his Easy Sport recumbent tricycle. Read the entire story in this customer experience.

Easy Sport recumbent trike
Bordeaux red
Pedal assist, Foot fixation, Direction indicator, Mirrors, Colour on request
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  • Customer experience Easy Sport electric recumbent tricycle Maurice Walstra
  • Maurice Walstra climbs Alpe d'Huez with the Easy Sport Electric Recumbent Tricycle by Van Raam
  • Conquering Alpe d'Huzes with the Van Raam Easy Sport recumbent tricycle by Maurice Walstra

A special challenge: climbing Alpe d'Huez

"My name is Maurice Walstra, and I am 47 years old. On May 29, 2023, I went to France with my brother-in-law to climb Alpe d'Huez. I ride an Easy Sport recumbent tricycle. I have always been active in sports and enjoyed mountain biking. Unfortunately, in 2019, I had an accident while cycling, resulting in a wrong landing and a broken neck. In the hospital, it was diagnosed as an incomplete spinal cord injury, meaning that a portion of the nerves below the injury no longer functions properly. After five months of rehabilitation in the hospital and an additional three months elsewhere, I was finally allowed to go home. Fortunately, I can now walk again, but my fine motor skills have been affected."

Finding the right special needs bicycle

"Through my physiotherapist, I tried a special needs bicycle from a competitor, but eventually, I ended up with Van Raam. The Easy Sport recumbent tricycle has a sporty character, which I really liked. Since 2020, I've owned the Easy Sport in a beautiful Bordeaux red color. In terms of options, I chose pedal assistance, footrests for better coordination, mirrors, and later added a recumbent bicycle tub for my back. The parking brake was originally under the seat but has been moved to the handlebars, a more convenient location for me, ensuring better visibility."

Alpe d’HuZes

“Together with my brother-in-law, I decided to participate in Alpe d’HuZes in June 2023. I cycled with my Easy Sport. I enjoy having a goal and a challenge for myself and practiced several distances for the past months. My goal was to climb the mountain all at once in maximally 2 hours. The trail is 14 kilometers long and has a slope percentage of around 10%.”

My participation in Alpe d’HuZes taught me that there are no limits when you are determined to go beyond.

Maurice Walstra

A special experience

“On the day of the climb I got on my Easy Sport recumbent bike. With a velocity of 5 kilometers an hour, in mode 2, I started my challenging route. The slope percentage of 10% for a 14 kilometer distance to the top made it a tough ride. However, the Alpe d’HuZes was more than just a physical challenge. It was a special experience with a great atmosphere. Everywhere close to the road there were parties, music, food, drinks and a lot of craziness. All participants had their own, unique story. I had a name tag on my bike and people that were watching encouraged me with shouts like “come on Maurice” and “Respect”. That gave me that extra motivation to keep going. It was a great experience and I would love to participate again in Alpe d’HuZes.”

Maurice Walstra climbs Alpe d'Huez with the Easy Sport Electric Recumbent Tricycle by Van Raam

Future plans and going beyond

“I am very content regarding Van Raam. I would recommend the Alpe d’HuZes to other Van Raam cyclists, but it is important that you really want it yourself as well. The bike can do it, but you need to want it.

Now, I am already looking into the future. For next year, I am considering participation in Tour du ALS. I want to keep on moving actively, going outside and cycling to stay fit. My participation in Alpe d’HuZes taught me that there are no limits when you are determined to go beyond.”

Maurice Walstra – Assen (The Netherlands)
Bike: Easy Sport recumbent trike

Pros & cons
  • The Easy Sport looks sporty
  • Adjustable with different options
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