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In our news articles you can read more about our bicycles, the latest developments and see the latest tips for using your bicycle. On the news pages you will be informed and kept up to date about everything concerning Van Raam, our dealers and our special needs bikes.

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Accessories for the Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle

Accessories for the Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle

Every Van Raam bike can be upgraded with different accessories. These accessories allow you to put together your special needs bike to your own taste and wishes. The Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle can also be upgraded with different options and accessories. Read more about these accessories here.

An adapted e-tricycle from Van Raam

An adapted e tricycle from Van Raam

We at Van Raam are manufacturers of adapted bikes. We help people, who cannot ride (any longer) on a two-wheeled bike, to find a correct and safe alternative. Van Raam's bicycles include wheelchair bikes, transport bikes, tandems, side by side tandems, low-entry bikes, walking aids, traditional tricycles and also e tricycles. A three wheel e bike is especially designed for people who need extra support and stability when cycling. Find out in this article what a e tricycle is and what different variations of e bikes Van Raam offers.

Lighting via the Van Raam electrical system

Lighting via the Van Raam electrical system

All Van Raam bicycles with the unique Van Raam pedal support system have standard lighting via the electrical system. In this article you will learn how the centrally controlled lighting works and if you have lights on your bike when the battery is empty.

Maxi Comfort 5 reasons why cycling protects against corona Van Raam

5 reasons why cycling protects against corona

According to the German government and scientists, the best way to 'socially distance yourself‘ is on a bicycle. You not only protect yourself, strengthen your lungs, but also protect other people. We have put together five (5) reasons why cycling protects you from corona, as well as tips that you should follow while cycling. (Based onthe current measures with the Corona virus; last updated: May 26th, 2020)

Van Raam wheelchair bike and duo bike for residential care facility in Belgium

A wheelchair bike and duo bike for residential care facility

The residential care facility Wissekerke in Bazel (Belgium) recently has an extra special needs bike, which is the Fun2Go duo bike. The residents can already use the VeloPlus wheelchair bike since 2016, but now they also have a duo bike. Volunteer Garry Pieters has been cycling around 120 wheelchair rides a year since 2016. From now on, the residents can also cycle with the duo bike themselves. Read more about the use of these two special needs bikes at the residential care facility here.

Koning Willem 1 Award nominations SME 2020 Van Raam

Van Raam nominated for Koning Willem I Award

We are proud to announce that Van Raam has been nominated for the prestigious Koning Willem I Award (named after King William I) in the SME category. Companies that have shown courage, perseverance, innovation and a sustainable and proper entrepreneurship in recent years are eligible. This prize is seen as the most important prize for SME companies in the Netherlands and will be awarded later this year by Queen Máxima to the final winner. Read more about this award and Van Raam’s nomination in this article.

Coronavirus COVID-19 measures at Van Raam

Measures related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Van Raam

Update: March 16th, 2023 - Van Raam is open for a test ride by appointment. Van Raam follows the guidelines of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) with regard to the coronavirus.

van raam full screen 360 degrees 3D photos

360 degree/3D photos of Van Raam special needs bikes

On all product pages of our Van Raam bicycles you can find photos and illustrations of the bikes. Van Raam innovates regularly and always wants to find new and better ways to present you the special needs bikes. New at Van Raam is that you can now find and 360 degree/3D photos of almost all Van Raam custom bikes. Learn in this article what 360 degree/3D photos are and where you can find and view them on a product page of a Van Raam bicycle.

Special needs bicycles as a bicycle taxi for the elderly

Special needs bicycles as a bicycle taxi for the elderly

Many elderly people have difficulty going outside, cycling or going to an appointment by themselves, because exercise is no longer that easy. A number of special needs bicycles in the Van Raam product range can offer a solution by using them as a bicycle taxi for the elderly. Read more about the Van Raam bicycles as a bike taxi in this article.

Van Raam tricycle Easy Sport with the handlebar below

A special handlebar for your special needs bike

All kinds of options and accessories are available for your special needs bike. These options will make sure your bike is completely adapted to your wishes and needs. One such option is a special handlebar for your special needs bike. Read more about the different adapted handlebars at Van Raam here.

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Customer experiences
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
10 / 10
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
February 2014 changed Suze's life forever. A bacterial infection caused sepsis, leaving her in a coma for 3 months and requiring both her lower legs and hands to be amputated. Read Suze Korver's admirable story in this customer experience and watch the video.
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User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
10 / 10
User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
I'm Kevin, 14 years old and I live at home with my parents. I can't talk and I'm wheelchair dependent. I like to watch videos on YouTube on my iPad, but what I like even more is being outside and cycle around on my VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike, together with my mom and dad.
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Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
9 / 10
Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
De Bever Verhuur in Ouddorp stimulates joint movement in the open air, with their broad offer of (electric) means of transportation, including special bikes. They already have been using the Fun2Go 1 for a longer period and also tested the Fun2Go 2 recently. In this customer experience you will read more about De Bever Verhuur und their findings concerning the double bike.
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