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In our news articles you can read more about our bicycles, the latest developments and see the latest tips for using your bicycle. On the news pages you will be informed and kept up to date about everything concerning Van Raam, our dealers and our special needs bikes.

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attaching bicycle cover on the van raam easy rider and fun2go

Attaching a bicycle cover to the Van Raam Easy Rider and Fun2Go

You of course want to maintain your bike as well as possible. In doing so, it is good to protect your bike from weather conditions. It is best to store your bike indoors. But when this is not possible, a bike cover is a solution. Van Raam offers bike covers for the Easy Rider tricycle and the Fun2Go side-by-side tandem.

Instructions silent smart display for Van Raam bicycles

Instructions Silent smart display for Van Raam bicycles

The Silent smart display is used to control the electrical system of your bicycle. This display will be introduced in April 2023. The display consists of two different parts. The information screen on your handlebar with two buttons and the button module close to your handle with four buttons. In this article, we will explain to you the different buttons and functions.

Cycling on a Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike thanks to Postcode Loterij Buurtfonds

Cycling on a duo bike thanks to Postcode Loterij Buurtfonds

Theo and Meinte cycle together on a Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike. They are Fietsmaatjes (translation: Bike Buddies) and they can cycle together thanks to the Postcode Loterij Buurtfonds (a fund of a Dutch national lottery). Read more about the two Fietsmaatjes with their duo bike and about the fund 'Buurtfonds' here.

van raam special needs bikes at the limitless eleven cities tour

Van Raam bikes at the Limitless Eleven Cities Tour

From September 14 to 18 2022, the third edition of the Limitless Eleven Cities Tour took place. A tour organised by the Leef! Foundation in which anyone with a chronic disease or disability can participate. Many participants took part with a special needs bike from Van Raam. Read more here.

van raam fun2go u-stal duo bike

Fun2Go duo share-bike available at U-Stal in Utrecht

In Utrecht (Netherlands) you can make use of a Fun2Go double share bike. The permanent location of the bike is the U-Stal bicycle shed at Laag Catharijne. The first duo bike was unveiled by, among others, Jelle Bakker, the bicycle mayor of Utrecht.

king charles and camilla on fun2go twin bike by van raam

King Charles and Camilla on Van Raam Fun2Go twin bike

King Charles and his wife Camilla visited Northern Ireland on March 22, 2022. During this visit they also took a ride on the Van Raam Fun2Go twin bike.

double seat tricycles by van raam

A double seat tricycle from Van Raam

Van Raam has 3 different double seat tricycles in its assortment. Two where the riders sit behind each other and one where they sit side by side. Read more about these double tricycles in this article.

6 tips for cycling on a fun2go side by side bike by van raam

6 tips for cycling on a Fun2Go side by side bike

The Fun2Go of Van Raam is a popular side by side bike whereby the riders sit next to each other and is widely used among others by care institutions. Read in this article 6 tips for cycling on a side by side bike.

van raam fun2go alternative for 4 wheel 2 person bike

Van Raams alternative for a 4 wheel 2 person bike

Would you like a 4 wheel 2 person bike? Then also consider our Fun2Go side by side bike with 3 wheels. Read more about the Fun2Go in this article and why this is a good alternative to the 4 wheel side by side bicycle.

A therapeutic tandem from Van Raam

A therapeutic tandem from Van Raam

Therapeutic tandems from Van Raam help you enjoy cycling together (again). Van Raam has more than just a therapeutic tandem in its range. Learn more about these tandems, who they are for and what makes them unique.

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Customer experiences
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
10 / 10
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
February 2014 changed Suze's life forever. A bacterial infection caused sepsis, leaving her in a coma for 3 months and requiring both her lower legs and hands to be amputated. Read Suze Korver's admirable story in this customer experience and watch the video.
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User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
10 / 10
User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
I'm Kevin, 14 years old and I live at home with my parents. I can't talk and I'm wheelchair dependent. I like to watch videos on YouTube on my iPad, but what I like even more is being outside and cycle around on my VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike, together with my mom and dad.
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Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
9 / 10
Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
De Bever Verhuur in Ouddorp stimulates joint movement in the open air, with their broad offer of (electric) means of transportation, including special bikes. They already have been using the Fun2Go 1 for a longer period and also tested the Fun2Go 2 recently. In this customer experience you will read more about De Bever Verhuur und their findings concerning the double bike.
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