Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bike assembly line
In the video above, assembly worker Erik ter Heurne tells about the assembly line of the VeloPlus wheelchair bike. The bicycle is assembled step by step by different assemblers. The VeloPlus assembly line is divided into eight workstations. At each workstation there is a Van Raam assembler who is responsible for one part of the assembly process. After the final step, the bicycle is ready. Every assembler from the VeloPlus assembly line can be assigned to every workstation.
The assembly of the VeloPlus consists of the following actions, among others:
Construction of rear frame, front frame and handlebar assembly
Alignment of front wheels and handlebars
Mounting of crank and front mudguards
Assembly of brake system and steering damper
Luggage carrier and rear wheel mounting
Chain guard installation
Mounting of ramp
Mounting the cover on the ramp
After the final assembly, the VeloPlus is ready and the wheelchair bike goes to the final inspection. Are you curious about the final inspection of a Van Raam bicycle? Then read the article with video 'Video quality inspection of a Van Raam bicycle'.