Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
On a regular basis Fun2Go duo bikes from Van Raam are delivered to satisfied users. The duo bike is used for example by private individuals and care institutions, but also for various initiatives to get the elderly out of isolation. Read in this article the experiences of users who have received a Fun2Go duo bike.
A duo bike for the Thomashuis in Ederveen
The Thomashuis is a small residential home for people with special needs. The occupants and responsible persons live there as normally as possible. Thanks to the Ede Doet action, the Thomashuis in Ederveen has been able to purchase a duo bike for the residents. Ede Doet is an action in Ede where all residents can work together by saving together to make the street or neighborhood more fun, beautiful and better. To stimulate this, the municipality gives all residents twice a year a cheque worth €7.50 so that everyone can contribute. (Source: Ede Doet)
Joke, employee of the Thomashuis, has made an effort to collect as many cheques as possible in order to realize a Fun2Go duo bike for the residents. Much quicker than expected, the necessary amount was collected and the bike could be bought. The delivery was festively celebrated, and the residents are very grateful to everyone who contributed. Â Read more about the bicycle for the Thomashuis on the website of Lunteren. (Article in Dutch).
Even school kids who wouldn't otherwise be able to move on their own, have the opportunity to experience the wind and mobility.
Director of Schule in der Widum
Duo bike provides freedom
The 'Schule in der Widum' (School in the Widum) in Germany received a Fun2Go duo bike on behalf of the German Knight Order St. Peter & Paul. During a meeting of the knighthood the school presented the idea, which made the order aware of the importance of the bicycle for the school. Among the members of the Order the amount was collected whereupon the bicycle could be purchased for the school. Two representatives of the Order came to hand over the bicycle in their knightly robes.
The bicycle is suitable for the school because the driver and co-driver sit next to each other, both can pedal and the optional electric motor provides extra support. This makes it easier for children with a physical disability to use the bicycle. The director of the school, Ludger Große Vogelsang, says that thanks to the bicycle even school kids who wouldn't otherwise be able to move on their own, have the opportunity to experience the wind and mobility. He also stresses how important it is to give the children this feeling of 'freedom' - and not to be pushed. Because the driver and co-driver sit next to each other, communication is improved and self-confidence is strengthened.  Read all about the bike for School in the Widum on the website of Westfälischen Nachrichten (article in German).
Together on the duo bicycle Cor Plasmans saw a call in which a volunteer was asked to do activities at the care organization de Blije Borgh. Cor responded to this call and for more than a year now he has been cycling every Tuesday with two residents through Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht on the Fun2Go duo bike. Because the drivers of the bicycle sit next to each other, the bicycle is wider, which makes it easier to see. When they are cycling, they often get right of the way and a lot of people wave at them. During a bike ride they talk about all kinds of subjects, such as the news, politics and children. For both the residents and Cor it is a fun activity.
Source: De Kombinatie
King as Fietsmaatje on the Fun2Go
At the Fietsmaatjes project a volunteer and a guest can cycle together on a duo bike and make beautiful cycling trips. The guests can no longer cycle independently, but thanks to the Fietsmaatjes initiative this is possible again.
Fietsmaatjes is part of the growth program of the Oranje Fonds. In November 2019 King Willem-Alexander made a surprise visit to the Fietsmaatjes in Warmond as patron of this fund. During the visit, the King also took a ride on Van Raam's Fun2Go duo bike. Read more about this in the article ‘Dutch King cycles on Van Raam side-by-side tandem Fun2Go’.
The Fun2Go is a tricycle tandem where the users sit next to each other, both can pedal and one person can steer and brake. The bike can be equipped with many options, for example the Van Raam pedal support, a stick holder, fold-away footplate and belts. It is also possible to opt for a rotatable seat so that the drivers can easily get on and off the bike. Read more about this seat in the article 'Rotatable seat on the Van Raam Fun2Go side-by-side tandem'. Rotatable seat on the Van Raam Fun2Go side-by-side tandem The bike has been in Van Raam's assortment for years. Would you like to know how the bike has developed over the years? Read the article ‘Van Raam duo bike Fun2Go over the years’.
With the optional switchable hub freewheel it is possible for the co-driver to choose whether to cycle at the same pace as the driver, to cycle at their own pace or not. Â Read all about the Fun2Go on the product page.
Collin Capozzi (22) from Puurs, Belgium, has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but this doesn't stop him from cycling. In fact: Collin enjoys his bike rides enormously, it's his exhaust valve. Mother Paola tells more about Collin's experiences.
Estinea is a healthcare organisation with locations in the Achterhoek and Twente, in the Netherlands. Estinea helps people with disabilities. The head office is in Aalten and the De Hogestraat residential care facility is also located in Aalten. At this location they have been using the Van Raam side-by-side tandem Fun2Go for a few years now.
At Van Raam we are very happy with the adventures, outings and bike rides that end users can experience (again) through our adapted bikes. We really enjoy reading messages from end users. Read the experience of Jetske below who, together with her mother and daughter, made a nice bike ride with the Fun2Go side-by-side tandem.