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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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User experience side-by-side tandem Fun2Go - Estinea

Estinea is a healthcare organisation with locations in the Achterhoek and Twente, in the Netherlands. Estinea helps people with disabilities. The head office is in Aalten and the De Hogestraat residential care facility is also located in Aalten. At this location they have been using the Van Raam side-by-side tandem Fun2Go for a few years now.
Residential care facility use side-by-side tandem
At the residential care facility De Hogestraat in Aalten live people with intellectual disabilities. At this facility, the caregivers use the Fun2Go almost daily. They have had this Fun2Go for several years and it has electric pedal support, which makes cycling through the slightly hilly Aalten easier.
The caregivers at De Hogestraat use the side-by-side tandem mainly to transport clients between different locations. These locations are, for example, daytime activities or sports clubs.
Video: Experience with Fun2Go of caregiver Estinea
Frank Roos is one of the caregivers at the De Hogestraat residential care facility in Aalten. In the video Frank talks about the use of the electric side-by-side tandem Fun2Go at this location and he cycles with a client through Aalten.
We make a lot of use of the Fun2Go and it gives us a lot of possibilities to bring the clients to a facility where they can do sports or where they can stay, they like that very much.
Frank RoosFun2Go double rider cycle: suitable for healthcare organisations
The Fun2Go is a tandem with three wheels. With this tandem you don't sit behind each other, but next to each other. The Fun2Go is widely used by healthcare organisations, because the Fun2Go has several advantages for the volunteers and caregivers of healthcare organisations:
You sit next to each other on the side-by-side tandem. This gives the caregiver a perfect view of the co-driver and allows them to communicate well.
The seat with backrest is easily adjustable and the bike has no entrance, so users can easily and quickly be switched.
The main driver steers and brakes, the co-driver can only pedal. This means that the attendant is the only person in control of the bicycle.
The bike is easy to steer and extremely manoeuvrable, which makes cycling easier.
With the optional electric motor you can cycle with pedal support. This can be used in different positions and can therefore be adjusted to the user.
With the optional switchable freewheel hub, you can determine whether the co-driver (possibly required) is pedalling. You can decide for yourself how you cycle together, so you can pedal independently with double freewheels.
The bike can be expanded with many options, including a rotating chair or footplate.
Several care institutions have recently received a Fun2Go. Read more about this in the article: 'Fun2Go duo bikes for several health care organisations'
FunTrain double rider cycle trailer for cycling with multiple clients
The side-by-side tandem bike Fun2Go can also be extended with a Funtrain side-by-side bike trailer. Behind the existing Fun2Go a towbar can be mounted, to which the FunTrain can be connected. With this automatic, hydraulically braked double rider cycle trailer behind the double rider cycle, an attendant with three co-drivers can cycle. It is also possible to connect two FunTrain trailers behind a Fun2Go, in which case one attendant with five co-drivers can cycle.
The main driver of the Fun2Go with FunTrain is the only one who can steer and brake, all thee co-drivers can pedal along. The FunTrain has a folding support wheel which makes it easy to move the trailer when it is disconnected from the Fun2Go. With the safety clutch, the FunTrain can never separate from the Fun2Go.
Curious about the FunTrain? See and read more on the FunTrain product page.

Healthcare organisation Estinea - Aalten
Type: Fun2Go