Customer Experiences

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Every day, Van Raam receives kind messages from its users. We'd like to share some of these messages with you so that we can show you the many possibilities of using a custom bike. Do you have a Van Raam bike yourself, or have you ever ridden one of our bikes and would you like to share your experience? Then fill out our customer experience form.

See below for various customer experiences:

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275 Customer experiences
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User experience scooter bike Easy Go Van Raam Ankie van den Bosch

Customer experience scooter bike Easy Go - Ankie van den Bosch

9 / 10

Ankie van den Bosch

When they discovered I have Multiple Sclerosis* in 2000, I already had an e-bike for several years. Because my strength and energy continued to decrease, cycling became unsafe and I became insecure. It became difficult to get out of the car, to get away at a traffic light or to brake. And all this began to demand a lot of effort in traffic. I got scared when the wind was very strong. I avoided bridges and dunes.

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Ties van der Heijden

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Ties van der Heijden

9 / 10

Ties van der Heijden

My biggest hobby was cycling. Unfortunately, due to my physical problems, I found it increasingly difficult to get off a regular bicycle. I mainly had problems with my stability, especially during a sudden brake application (emergency stop).

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Thea Westra

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Thea Westra

9 / 10

Thea Westra

I have been using an Easy Rider tricycle with seat since November 2017. Because of my illness Multiple Sclerosis (MS)* I can unfortunately no longer ride on a regular two-wheel bike. To be able to cycle as optimally as possible, my Easy Rider tricycle has two foot fixations, a rearview mirror and leg fixation on the left side.

User experience Easy Go scooter bike - Horst Weidemann

User experience Easy Go scooter bike - Horst Weidemann

10 / 10

Horst Weidemann

After 10,600 km in 25 months (of which 4,000 km have been cycled in 2018) with my Easy Go I can warmly recommend Van Raam bicycles.

User experience scooter bike Easy Go - Leo Snijders

User experience scooter bike Easy Go - Leo Snijders

8 / 10

Leo Snijders

I am very happy, I use it daily in fair weather. As a bicycle during a bike tour and as a mobility scooter in the city or at our beautiful theme park ‘De Efteling’.

User experience wheelchair bike OPair - Chris Pritzkow

User experience wheelchair bike OPair - Chris Pritzkow

10 / 10

Chris Pritzkow

We regularly receive nice stories and nice photos from end users all over the world who use the adapted bikes from Van Raam. These messages mean a lot to us and of course we would like to share them with you! This user experience is about the German Chris Pritzkow.

User experience wheelchair bike OPair - Marielle Klomp

User experience wheelchair bike OPair - Marielle Klomp

9 / 10

Marielle Klomp

Marielle Klomp and her family purchased the OPair wheelchair bike in 2018 to continue cycling with their youngest family member. Read more about the experiences of Family Klomp with the wheelchair bike OPair during their trip to National Park De Hoge Veluwe below.

User experience low step through bike Tavara Balance - Albert Smit

User experience low step through bike Tavara Balance - Albert Smit

9 / 10

Albert Smit

Until 2006 Van Raam made the Tavara Balance, the forerunner of the current Balance low step through two-wheeler bike. The Tavara Balance is also a low step through bike where the rider can always stand with two feet on the ground. Meanwhile, the Tavara Balance is replaced by the Balance bike, but people are still cycling around on this safe and comfortable bike. Among these Tavara bicycle users is Albert Smit. Albert Smit is 78 years old and has been using his Balance Tavara for over a decade. Read more about his experiences below.

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Mini Abbink

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Mini Abbink

9 / 10

Mini Abbink

My Easy Rider tricycle has added a lot of color to my life. I would like to say this to as many people as possible, because the more people can enjoy a custom bike the better! I have had my Easy Rider for 3,5 years now and I really like it. Sometimes, I hear from people who also have a custom bike that they had to get used to it in the beginning, but that didn't apply to me.

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