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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Mini Abbink

My Easy Rider tricycle has added a lot of color to my life. I would like to say this to as many people as possible, because the more people can enjoy a custom bike the better! I have had my Easy Rider for 3,5 years now and I really like it. Sometimes, I hear from people who also have a custom bike that they had to get used to it in the beginning, but that didn't apply to me.
Quick introduction
My name is Mini Abbink and I'm 75 years old. 8.5 years ago, I entered the medical program after a surgery on an aneurysm. After the operation I suddenly had trouble walking and a few months later I even ended up in a mobility scooter. For someone who loves walking very much (sometimes as much as 35 kilometers a day) this is of course terrible. After using the mobility scooter for a while, I came in contact with an ergo therapist who told me about adapted cycling.
More exercise
The ergo therapist advised me at the time to try an Easy Rider from Van Raam. Then I borrowed an Easy Rider and immediately cycled 5 kilometers. That was fantastic!
It's just striking to see how nice fellow road users are as soon as they see you riding a tricycle. They even pull over in front of me, without me asking for it.
Mini AbbinkSoon I came to the conclusion that I wanted the Easy Rider tricycle. Because I had already been given a mobility scooter by the municipality of Enschede, I went back to the municipality and asked if I could get a custom bike.
Request adapted bicycle at municipalit
Unfortunately, I was told there that my application could not be submitted because I already had a mobility scooter. The municipality has the duty to provide a replacement vehicle, but because I already had a mobility scooter, they couldn't do anything for me. Even after I had indicated that I would like to exchange my mobility scooter for an adapted bicycle, the municipality did not agree. At the time, a case was made of this, but unfortunately without success. In a society where it is said that people should keep moving as much as possible, I found this situation regrettable... By now we are 3.5 years further and you could manage to get an adapted bicycle through the municipality of Enschede.
An adapted bicycle as a present
The fact that I couldn't get a modified bike through the local authorities was of course a serious disappointment. Luckily, I can praise myself with fantastic friends and someone from my area that gave me an Easy Rider. I was so excited! Finally, I could move again!
Custom bike privately owned
Because I own the Easy Rider privately, I also have to pay for the repairs and adjustments myself. This is in contrast to when you get a bike from the municipality. If you have a modified bike, it can be quite difficult to find a good bike mechanic. At the moment I take my tricycle to the bicycle mechanic 'Ten Tusscher' in Enschede. Initially, this bicycle mechanic is not directly specialized in custom bikes. That's why I've been to Van Raam a couple of times already. Here I always get friendly help and after a small adjustment I can cycle away again without any problems.
Cycling with the walking group
Now that I have my Easy Rider tricycle, I can go anywhere. I'm even going out again with my old walking club. I don't walk then, but I just cycle next to it.
Double battery on Easy Rider
I love to ride my Easy Rider tricycle and therefore I had 2 batteries mounted on my bike. This allows me to cycle a longer distance without being afraid to stand still. With my batteries I can cycle more than 100 kilometers with support.
I sometimes describe my bike as my 'assistance dog'. Just like blind people need their assistance dog, I need my bike.
Mini AbbinkCycling on cobblestones
I mainly use my bike on well paved flat roads. With this tricycle it is less comfortable to cycle over vowels and cobblestones. In the city where I live (Enschede) there are a lot of speed bumps, which is also less pleasant.
But I prefer to cycle through nature. I find it a relief to be able to cycle through the woods. Sandy paths are no problem for me either. In the video under my user experience you can see where I can take my bike and how grateful I am for that.
Taking into account in traffic
It's just striking to see how nice fellow road users are as soon as they see you riding a tricycle. They even pull over in front of me, without me asking for it.
Trying out a custom bike
When I hear from people that they are no longer able and/or dare to cycle, I like to show them my bike and tell them my story. They used to be allowed to try out my bike too, but because there are more and more enthusiastic people who want to experience cycling on an Easy Rider tricycle, I now refer them to Van Raam or a specialized bike shop. I still need time to ride my own bike, don't I?
Video with the Easy Rider tricycle in nature
In this video Mini (in Dutch) tells about her Easy Rider while surrounded by beautiful nature. Nature where she couldn't go without her tricycle.
My tricycle is my 'assistance dog'
Because I only use my bike as a means of transport, I got rid of my mobility scooter. I sometimes describe my bike as my 'assistance dog'. Just like blind people need their assistance dog, I need my bike. By now there are more than 10,000 kilometers on the counter, and I use my bike every day. I am such a happy person again!
Mini Abbink - Enschede
Type: Easy Rider