Customer experiences

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Günter Rodewald

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Günter Rodewald
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Wherever I stop or whoever walks past, I am approached when I ride my Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle. And I feel so good, mentally and physically.

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist, Direction indicators
2,000 km cycled Bremen
Configure your bike
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  • user experience easy rider tricycle for adults gunter rodewald
  • user experience gunter rodewald van raam easy rider with trailer
  • user experience gunter rodewald easy rider tricycle by van raam

I've already cycled 2,000 kilometres on my Easy Rider tricycle. High praise for my dealer here in Bremen (Germany), Theramobile and the owner Thomas Uhe, who gave me the best advice.

For a short time now I have also been cycling with a trailer behind my tricycle.

Wherever I stop or whoever walks by, people approach me when I am with my Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle. And I feel so good, mentally and physically.

Günter Rodewald - Bremen (DE)
Model: Easy Rider

In the German newspaper 'Kurier am Sonntag' Günter has told about his adventures with the Easy Rider tricycle. Curious about his story? Check it out via the pdf document below (in German).

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