Customer experiences

Customer experience Maxi tricycle - Nico Meijland

Customer experience Van Raam Maxi tricycle Nico Meijland
8 / 10

Nico Meijland has been riding the Maxi tricycle from Van Raam since the beginning of 2024. Ménière's disease causes balance problems for Nico, making it unsafe for him to continue riding his old bicycle. Although getting used to riding a tricycle took some time, he wouldn't want it any other way now.

Maxi tricycle
(RAL 7031) Blue grey matt
Pedal assist
8 January 2024 purchased
ViVa! Zorggroep | Medipoint | Heemskerk
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Ménière's disease

"Let me introduce myself; my name is Nico Meijland and I am 77 years old. Since January of this year, I have been riding the Maxi tricycle from Van Raam. I purchased it through the WMO because my balance organs have deteriorated over time. The cause of this is Ménière's disease, which has completely affected my balance on the right side and more than half on the left. I tried to continue riding a regular bicycle for as long as possible, but it became increasingly difficult! Especially on narrow paths with oncoming traffic. Also, getting on and off at traffic lights or intersections and looking sideways while cycling became more and more challenging."

The turning point

"The turning point for me to choose a tricycle was that I fell several times while cycling. Now I ride the Maxi tricycle, and what a difference it makes! All the disadvantages I just mentioned are practically gone. I can calmly look around while cycling again. Traffic lights and intersections are no longer a problem. I feel much safer while cycling! Are there any disadvantages? Yes, there are. I had to learn to steer again. When you are used to a regular bicycle, steering a tricycle feels very different. The roads and bike paths often slope to one side, which means you sit tilted on your bike. At first, this is quite frightening because you think you will fall over. As you cover more kilometers, you gain more confidence, and it becomes easier. To end on a positive note: I am happy with the Van Raam Maxi tricycle and hope to make many more safe kilometers."

Nico Meijland customer experience Van Raam Maxi tricycle

I feel much safer while cycling

Nico Meijland

Nico Meijland - Heemskerk (Netherlands)

Bicycle: Maxi tricycle

Pros & cons
  • Safer feeling
  • Mounting and dismounting is easy
  • Relearning to steer
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