Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Sport recumbent trike - Wilco de Keijzer

Customer experience Easy Sport recumbent trike - Wilco de Keijzer
9 / 10

Wilco de Keijzer has a worn back, knees and hips, which means moving is difficult for him. After some doubts about tricycles, Wilco was able to buy an Easy Sport recumbent trike after a positive test ride via the WMO (Social Support Act). Read Wilco's experience with the Easy Sport tricycle here.

Easy Sport recumbent trike
Pedal assist, Stick holder
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Customer experience Van Raam Easy Sport recument trike by Wilco de Keijzer
Customer experience Van Raam Easy Sport recument trike Wilco de Keijzer

Reason for purchasing a special needs bike

For a long time I have been walking around with worn-out knees, hips and back, which makes moving difficult. This is even so difficult at the moment that the orthopedist has forbidden me to drive a car. And now what? I called WMO Drechtsteden and asked for a conversation about transportation. I'm in my forties and in going to the shop with a regional taxi bus was way too much for me and I'm way too young to use a mobility scooter. Then the lady from the WMO came with a tricycle with pedal support. I thought to myself: I'm really not going to cycle on a Trabant with three wheels, such an ugly square thing. I agreed with the lady to consider what I wanted and I could then pass this on to her.

The search for a special needs bike

The search on the internet began: tricycles, hmm ugly. However, I ended up on the Van Raam website and there I saw the Easy Rider and the Easy Sport. I really liked these tricycles. It looks a bit like a recumbent trike and it looks cool, so I had communicated this. First I tested the Easy Rider, this was not a bike for me, I got too much pressure on my knees. I made a follow-up appointment with the WMO and Van Raam, and there it was, the Easy Sport. After a short bicycle tour I knew this was the bike for me. The trike cycled wonderfully, steered easily and sits comfortably. The measurements were well measured and a few weeks later my bike arrived.

Customer experience Van Raam Easy Sport recument trike Wilco de Keijzer pedal support

Cycling with my Easy Sport 3 wheel bike

I Immediately got on my bike and went for a ride, full 'throttle' with the pedal support in the 3rd mode. That went pretty fast. After that a longer distance also in the 3. Nice and fast, but the battery runs out quickly as well. Of course, that's obvious. Since then I always cycle in the 2nd mode and then I can keep up with everyone, including the other electric cyclists. If I want to cross a bridge, I put it in the 3rd mode and I cross the bridge easily.

I have to walk with a crutch and after 5 to 10 minutes I am exhausted and really need to recover. With the Easy Sport I can easily cycle half an hour to an hour non stop. Once I'm home I'm tired rather than having problems with my joints, so this is perfect. My advice, however, is to have the bike adjusted really well, because when everything is set perfectly, like with a racing bike, you never want anything else but this. You get used to cycling in this angle very quickly and it is much less strenuous to your knees, the seat is firm and you can cycle comfortably in your lazy chair. I am very happy with it and it completely meets my needs.

Cycling is much less strenuous to your knees, the seat is firm and you can cycle comfortably in your lazy chair. I am very happy with it.

Wilco de Keijzer

Feedback about the Easy Sport

Does this bike also have disadvantages? Yes, I think there are two disadvantages, but that's not Van Raam's fault. Disadvantage 1, the bike is quite long and wide. It is difficult to get the bike in and out of my shed, because my shed is not that big. It is more convenient if you have a deep shed or garage with a wide door. The pavement at the same level as your shed is also convenient. Disadvantage 2, is my crank holder, which I find very 'cheap'. But I don't know whether it comes from Van Raam or from the WMO.

Good luck with your choice for a good bike that suits you. Ask for advice and listen to it and clearly indicate what your ideal setting is for your bike.

Wilco de Keijzer - Papendrecht
Model: Easy Sport

Pros & cons
  • Comfortable
  • Less impact on knees
  • Tough appearance
  • Bike is long and wide
  • Stick holder looks cheap
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