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Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
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Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
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Customer experience Easy Sport recumbent trike - Gre

Gre (62 years old) had a cerebral hemorrhage 6 years ago, which caused her to deal with balance disorders. Recently she purchased the Easy Sport recumbent trike for adults which she tries to use every day. In this customer experience Gre tells more about her experiences with the Easy Sport.
My beautiful recumbent trike
"My name is Gre and I am 62 years old. 6 years ago I had a cerebral hemorrhage with residual symptoms including balance disorders. For years I have been passive, but recently, in consultation with the occupational therapist, I purchased the Easy Sport recumbent trike for adults. A beautiful bike which I immediately rode away. The understeer took some getting used to, but it went well very quickly. I like the Easy Sport recumbent trike very much. It is a beautiful bike with gears and pedal assistance. I can control the pedal assistance by feeling. I also have a cane holder and a larger battery. I use the Easy Sport for extra movement, because walking is unfortunately not an option. I have only had the trike for a short time, but I try to cycle every day, depending on the weather and any appointments. The Easy Sport is easy to ride, has a low step-in (I'm 5'11"), a powerful motor, cycles great and is nice and sporty!"

I am so happy with the Easy Sport! Low entry, easy to use and steers very naturally.
GreOrder at Van Raam dealer
"I ended up at Van Raam via my occupational therapist. I looked at all the options on the Van Raam website and made a test ride on the Easy Sport via bike dealer Bikestore in our shopping center. The contact with the dealer is very good.They were very helpful and understanding;Â good service!"
Gre - Den Helder, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Sport recumbent trike for adults