Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 wheel bike - Ria van Pelt

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 wheel bike - Ria van Pelt
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In 2019 Ria suffered a cerebral infarction, which made cycling too dangerous. Thanks to the Easy Rider 3 wheel bike Ria can cycle again and go wherever she wants! Read the experience of Ria van Pelt here.

Easy Rider tricycle
(RAL 7026) Granite grey
Pedal assist, Mirror
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easy rider 3 wheel bike van raam customer experience ria van pelt
customer experience 3 wheel bike easy rider van raam ria van pelt

Cycling after a cerebral infarction

"In 2019 I suffered a cerebral infarction. That was quite a shock. After months of rehabilitation we had to deal with corona, which brought everything to a halt. When I wanted to start cycling again, it turned out to be too dangerous. Getting on and off the bike and sudden braking had become a problem. I lost my balance during these manoeuvres and did not know which leg to start with. As I could no longer drive a car, I had to walk. That went well. I love it, but it does take a lot of time."

Cycling with a Van Raam 3 wheel bike

"Indirectly we heard about Van Raam and its 3 wheel bikes for adults. We were advised by the WMO (Social Support Act in the Netherlands) to go to a nursing home for a test ride to see if this tricycle would work for me. I really enjoyed it! Great cycling, no more falling over. The bike was ordered for me. Of course it took a while, but I was glad when the Easy Rider 3 wheel bike arrived."

Free to go wherever I want

"As of September 2021 I am the proud owner of the Easy Rider 3 wheel bike. I feel very safe. After a difficult period this is a positive note! I can not live without it. I am free to go wherever I want! We also go cycling together, just because it's nice.  

I am so happy!"

Ria van Pelt - Culemborg
Bike: Easy Rider 3 wheel bike

customer experience van raam easy rider 3 wheel bike ria van pelt
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