Discover our range of products
Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
Our bikes
Customer experience 3 wheel bicycle Easy Rider – Vlaswinkel

Marian Folkers-Vlaswinkel (54 years) worked as a researcher in horticulture and agriculture and was active in basketball, walking and road bicycle racing. Until she had a CVA (stroke). She now cycles on the Van Raam Easy Rider 3 wheel bicycle. Read Marian’s experience here.
Rehabilitation with a Van Raam 3 wheel bicycle
Until I had a stroke, I worked as a researcher in horticulture and agriculture and was very active with my hobbies: basketball, walking and road bicycle racing. In 2017, all that stopped (partly) when I suffered a stroke. The consequences of this are partial disablement and reduced mobility and balance.
“During my subsequent stay in rehabilitation centre Rijndam in Rotterdam (the Netherlands), I first became acquainted with Van Raam bicycles. The Easy Rider 3 wheel bicycle seemed to fit me and my limitations the best. I looked at the website to see what options and adjustments are available and went for a consultation at Van Raam in Varsseveld."
"This was a positive meeting, and I was advised to order the tricycle with a footrest, mirror, one-hand lock, and hydraulic rear brake. I then went to the dealer, who ordered the bike for me with pedal support. We also immediately bought a trailer, so we van go on holiday with is.”
“The bicycle gives me freedom and the opportunity to go out on my own.”
Marian Folkers-VlaswinkelThe Easy Rider 3 wheel bicycle
I have had the bike since 2018 and I am very happy with it. I use it for shopping and, almost daily, to cycle around. Cycling provides distraction which makes me feel my nerve pain less. The bicycle gives me freedom and the opportunity to go out on my own. I cycle almost 100 kilometres a week. We do the maintenance of the bicycle at Medipoint. We usually have an appointment with them quickly when we encounter problems. They have an excellent service. I give the Easy Rider an 8! I like the bike very much.
Marian Folkers-Vlaswinkel – Oud-Beijerland
Bicycle: Easy Rider