Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle bicycle - Lien Laumen

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle bicycle - Lien Laumen
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Lien could no longer ride a standard bicycle after a fall with her bike. Now she has the Easy Rider tricycle bicycle and a world opens up for her. Read Lien's story here.

Easy Rider tricycle
(RAL 7026) Granite grey
2,500 km cycled
Bike Totaal Weys
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  • customer experience easy rider tricycle bicycle lien laumen
  • customer experience van raam easy rider tricycle bicycle lien laumen

A world opened up to me

"My name is Lien and I was on painkillers for six months after I fell with my previous bike. I then went to Van Raam to take a test ride on a tricycle. Here I had a very pleasant experience.

Then we went to premium dealer Profile Weys Tweewielers in Siebengewald (the Netherlands) and this is where I bought my Easy Rider tricycle bicycle. Everything was super arranged and a world opened up for me.

Last summer, we went out with the camper regularly and I have since cycled 2,500 kilometres with the Easy Rider. There is only one word to describe this bike: super!"

Lien Laumen – Wellerlooi, the Netherlands
Type: Easy Rider tricycle bicycle

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