Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - John Boegman

Customer experience Easy Rider electric tricycle - Johan Boegman
8 / 10

John Boegman is 67 years old and likes to go out on his bike. Due to a traffic accident in 2020, he can not bend his right leg very far anymore and his two-wheeler was no longer an option. After 1.5 years of using a mobility scooter, he now has an Easy Rider electric tricycle. Read and watch the story of John here.

Easy Rider tricycle
(RAL 7026) Granite grey
Pedal assist, Crank shortener, Stick holder, Mirror, Speedometer
1 August 2021 purchased
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Traffic accident

“My name is John and I live in Doetinchem de Huet, the Netherlands. In my spare time, I make exclusive birdhouses at the 'Stadswerkplaats' in Doetinchem. This is an innovative day care facility for everyone in the Achterhoek region. When I have time, I like to go out on my bike. I used to cycle on an electric bicycle. But in January 2020, while cycling, I was hit by a car. As a result, my right upper leg is splintered at the top and the bottom and I cannot bend my right leg very far. This resulted in me not being able to cycle on my own bike anymore, and I used a mobility scooter for a while."

Video: John shares his experiences

See in the video below what the Easy Rider tricycle has brought John.

Tip: Dutch is spoken in this video. Feel free to turn on the subtitles for accompanying text and explanations.

From mobility scooter to electric tricycle

“Eventually, I ended up at Van Raam via a social support counsellor. I checked out Van Raam's website and looked for options that were necessary for me, such as a strong battery with enough power and 8 gears. I went to the showroom in Varsseveld, the Netherlands, where I was helped by a lovely young lady. I also made a test ride to see how I ride. Everything was fine. Then I ordered the Easy Rider at Van Raam dealer Rivacare in Ulft. The contact with the dealer went well. The tricycle with electric support was neatly delivered to my home and everything was well explained. I have waited 10 weeks for the bike."

Easy Rider electric tricycle Van Raam John Boegman

I can work on my fitness and exercise, which is good for recovery

John Boegman

The Easy Rider is a solution

“From August 2021 I have the Easy Rider electric tricycle of Van Raam. First I had to get used to it, because I had not cycled for 1.5 years. My tendons and muscles were very weak and hurt a lot. The Easy Rider is for me therefore really a solution. I can work on my condition and movement, which is good for recovery. I think it's great!"

Tricycle with electric pedal support

“In terms of options, I have a shortened crank on the right-hand side because of my knee. I also have a stick holder, a mirror, an odometer and pedal assistence. I use the Easy Rider mainly to go to the 'Stadswerkplaats' and to cycle a bit. I have already accumulated quite a few kilometres! I also use the Van Raam App regularly. I find it very useful that it has an SOS function with GPS location. So I can send my wife a message to tell her where I am if something goes wrong."

My Easy Rider electric tricycle

"For me, the pedal support is most important. My wife also has an electric bike. When I still had a mobility scooter, she cycled extra fast and I could not keep up with her. Now I have the Easy Rider tricycle with electric support, I sometimes go faster than her. This is great. My overall rating of the bike is an 8!

John Boegman – Doetinchem de Huet
Bike: Easy Rider electric tricycle

Van Raam E-Bike App John Boegman
Pros & cons
  • SOS function in the Van Raam app
  • Condition and movement
  • Excellent service
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