Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 tricycle - Jeroen Ruigrok vd Werve

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 tricycle - Ruigrok vd Werve
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Because of the corona time Jeroen (18) sat at home a lot and his condition deteriorated. Since 2021 he has the Easy Rider and through this he builds up his condition more and more. Mother Debby tells more about Jeroen and his Easy Rider 3 tricycle.

Easy Rider tricycle
(RAL 7026) Granite grey
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  • customer experience van raam easy rider 3 tricycle jeroen ruigrok vd werve
  • van raam easy rider 3 wheel tricycle bike review jeroen ruigrok vd werve

From sitting at home to cycling outside

Debby: "Jeroen is 18 years old, lives in Wassenaar and is dependent on a wheelchair outside. In the corona-time Jeroen was at home for at least a year and his physical condition deteriorated. Since November 2021 Jeroen has his Easy Rider 3 wheel tricycle bike. He is very happy with the bike and can already cycle a fair bit. Jeroen is becoming a lot more independent and his condition is improving bit by bit. Jeroen often goes out with his tricycle. He likes to let the dog out and mom always walks with him. The Easy Rider 3 tricycle also goes with him to the guest house."

Jeroen Ruigrok vd Werve - Wassenaar, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider 3 wheel tricycle bike

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