Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle electric - Jeremy Meijer

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle electric - Meijer
9 / 10

Jeremy Meijer now has his 2nd Easy Rider tricycle. Read more about his experiences with Van Raam and the tricycle bike electric in this customer experience.

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist, Stick holder, Mirror
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Already familiar with Van Raam

My name is Jeremy Meijer and since August 2021 I am the owner of an Easy Rider tricycle bike electric. I have had a Van Raam bike before, which was also an Easy Rider, but an older model. I also went to Van Raam's location to make a test ride. This to see what frame size I need because of my height, and to discuss some other information. I also have a video of the test ride.

Customer experience tricycle bike electric Easy Rider Meijer

Video: a test ride at Van Raam - Jeremy Meijer

Great cycling despite my disability

On the Easy Rider tricycleI also have a stick holder, with which I can take my crutches. With the Easy Rider I can now enjoy going out in a relaxed way. I use the bike mainly for recreational use. I can't wait until it's summer! Great cycling despite my disability, on a stylish bike with strong pedal support. In case of emergency or when I just want to feel free, the Easy Rider tricycle bike electric easily turns up the pedal.

Jeremy Meijer – New-Amsterdam
Bike: Easy Rider tricycle bike electric

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