Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Jeanette van Eijk

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Jeanette van Eijk
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We regularly receive messages from customers about their (new) Van Raam bicycle. So did Jeanette van Eijk. Her husband has neurological symptoms and recently bought the Easy Rider 3 wheel tricycle. Read their mail to Van Raam below and view the beautiful pictures.

Easy Rider tricycle
(RAL 7026) Granite grey
Pedal assist, Mirror
1,800 km cycled
Configure your bike
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  • easy rider 3 wheel tricycle van eijk
  • 3 wheel tricycle van raam easy rider van eijk
  • customer experience 3 wheel tricycle easy rider van eijk

Message to Van Raam

"Good evening,

You have delivered the new model Easy Rider 3 wheel tricycle size Large to my husband in the spring of 2021, through the Wmo Baarn. I myself have also purchased an electric bicycle. Because of the neurological symptoms of my husband, he can no longer ride a regular bicycle. It took some switching, he is only 60. But he has a lot of fun with the Easy Rider! Since the spring we have cycled 1800 km together.

My husband has embellished the bike with a basket, a flag and a bright yellow water bottle. Today we cycled another round. From Baarn to Amsterdam and back again, about 100 km. We just wanted to let you know about this.

Good luck with your beautiful work to give people with a need for help some freedom!

With kind regards,,
Jeanette van Eijk"

Jeanette van Eijk - Baarn (the Netherlands)
Bike: Easy Rider 3 wheel tricycle

Pros & cons
  • Pleasant cycling
  • More freedom
  • Suitable for people with neurological complaints
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