Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Henriëtte van der Loop

Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Henriëtte van der Loop
10 / 10

Henriëtte van der Loop is 55 years old, loves flower arranging, plotting, sublimation and travelling by camper van and lives in a nice provincial city. Among other things, she has serious back and knee problems. Since January 2022 she is the owner of a Van Raam Easy Rider electric tricycle for adults.

Easy Rider tricycle
Pedal assist, Mirror
100 km cycled
Configure your bike

Cycling again after 2 years

"Since the end of January 2022 I own my Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle. The reason for purchasing my tricycle is that I have severe back problems, arthritis and knee problems. The last 2 years I could not cycle at all. I used to cycle on an e-bike in the city, and outside I use a scooter.

I came to Van Raam through the internet, I immediately made an appointment to get advice and to try out the bike. This was a great advice. I bought the electric tricycle for adults via a PGB (patient fundholding) and ordered it at Jort Tweewielers, it was a pity that I had to wait longer for my bicycle. When I got the bike, it was nice that I got a good explanation."

Customer experience electric tricycle for adults Easy Rider Henriette van der Loop

I recently cycled 15 km in a row for the first time since 2017, I am so happy.

Henriëtte van der Loop

Getting in shape with the electric tricycle for adults

"I use the tricycle in and around the house; I hope to be able to cycle more soon. I really need time to get back into shape. I have now cycled over 100 kilometres. I use the Van Raam e-bike app. It's still difficult, but I'll get there.

I recently cycled 15 km in a row for the first time since 2017, I am so happy. I like the Easy Rider a lot, I'm so happy with it. I confidently give the Easy Rider electric tricycle for adults a rating of 10 out of 10, I only regret that I did not have direction indicators installed."

Henriëtte van der Loop- Zeeland
Bike: Easy Rider electric tricycle for adults

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