Discover our range of products
Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
About Van Raam
Van Raam is a Dutch producer of unique custom bikes. Want to know more about our company or special needs bikes?
Our bikes
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Chris Koekoek

My name is Chris Koekoek and I was diagnosed with spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) in 2018. SCA is a disease of the nerves in which the nerves don’t pass on their signals properly to the muscles. With the Easy Rider tricycle I feel like I have my freedom and mobility back.
Keep moving
After I was diagnosed with SCA3 in 2018, I decided I didn’t want to stop moving. It did become more difficult because walking isn’t that easy anymore, so I decided to check with my peers. They advised me to buy a tricycle, preferably one from Van Raam and so I decided to take a look at it.
Easy Rider tricycle test period and purchase
A few months ago I first got a test bike of the Easy Rider, I was allowed to try it out for three weeks. After that I could order my own bike, adjusted to my wishes. I ordered the tricycle at Medipoint Heerlen (the Netherlands) and in terms of special options I opted for a stick holder and rearview mirrors.
With the Easy Rider I feel like I have my freedom and mobility back.
Chris KoekoekDelivery and experience
After three weeks I got the bike. The contact with Medipoint and the delivery went well. In the meantime I have made some bike rides and I like it very much. Cycling on the Easy Rider is easy and I cycle about 150 km per week. It feels like I have my freedom and mobility back. I am very happy with my bike!
Choosing Van Raam
There are several brands on the market, but Van Raam was advised by other users with a reason! The Easy Rider runs very smooth and has a good transition to other gears. The brake also works well, grabs fast and doesn’t slip. The bike is really nice and comfortable and the pedal assistance works perfectly, which very useful in Limburg, where I live. Because of the three wheels you feel everything a bit better on the road and that takes some getting used to, but I like the bike very much.
Chris Koekoek – Limburg (Netherlands)
Easy Rider