Customer experiences

Customer experience Easy Rider Compact trike – Susan Kobes

Easy Rider Compact adult tricycle Van Raam
9.5 / 10

Susan wears extra-high orthopaedic shoes that incorporate various features, including carbon tubes around her ankles and lower leg. As a result, the mobility of the shoes is minimal. With the Van Raam Easy Rider Compact tricycle, she feels safe in traffic again! Read more about her experience here.

Easy Rider Compact tricycle
(RAL 3005) Wine red matt
Pedal assist
200 km cycled
Configure your bike
1 / 3
  • Easy Rider Compact adult tricycle Van Raam
  • Van Raam Easy Rider Compact electric tricycle for adults removing battery
  • Information screen Silent smart Display Van Raam

Who am I?

“My name is Susan Kobes and I am 56 years old. I live in a village near Drachten, in the Netherlands. My hobbies are making handmade cards using various techniques, crafting, and reading books. I wear extra-high orthopaedic shoes, due to the tubes of carbon around my ankles and lower legs, both my feet are in an L-position, foot/ankle and lower leg, with zero mobility. When walking outside, I use a walker, which allows me to walk a maximum of 3 to 3.5 kilometres at a time.”

How did I come across Van Raam?

"In 2023, while cycling on a standard electric bike, I was still wearing a pair of old orthopaedic shoes, in which I had some degree of mobility. Even with that pair, which I no longer have, I had a lot of difficulty getting on and gaining speed. I no longer felt safe in traffic. With my current shoes, I no longer dared to ride a standard electric bike.

From a chat in the taxi about a tricycle to discussing it with the physiotherapist: 'DO IT, Susan! Keep moving, keep cycling!'. When I looked online, I naturally ended up on the Van Raam website. To my surprise, I found out that I could make an appointment with Van Raam Premium Dealer Care4More in Drachten.

No sooner said than done. At Care4More, I took a test ride on the Easy Rider Compact. Amazement: I was sitting on the tricycle and could look around! Feet on the pedals and no risk of falling! In my heart, in my feelings, I immediately knew: this feels right! I can feel safe in traffic again. Moving, being outside, in nature... But most importantly: feeling free! Being able to go further than I can walk with my walker."

Moving, being outside, in nature... But most importantly: feeling free!

Susan Kobes

Cycling experience with the Easy Rider Compact

"I have had my tricycle since the enc of April 2024, and I have now practiced over 200 kilometres with the Easy Rider Compact. In terms of options, I have electric pedal support on my tricycle. I started practising in the village and then moved outside the village. Turns, crossings, overpasses, bike tunnels, country roads. What I still find difficult is crossing at places where I'm standing on a slope and having to release the brake while pressing the starting aid button at the same time to gain momentum. The starting aid lasts for 6 seconds, and I find that in such a situation quite short. I'll need to practice that a lot more.

Riding the Easy Rider Compact is a completely different cycling experience! You sit lower, and your legs move in a more horizontal position. I find it so wonderful that I can cycle again in this way. I will mainly use my bike to go for a ride, go to physiotherapy and medical fitness in Drachten and visit someone nearby.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I would give it a 9.5!"

Susan Kobes – Drachten, the Netherlands
Bike: Easy Rider Compact tricycle

Pros & cons
  • No risk of falling
  • Being able to go further than I can with my walker
  • Different cycling experience
  • Having to release the brake while pressing the starting aid button when crossing at an angle
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