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Duo bike

Duo bike

From Hilary Staples, an enthusiastic cyclist, we received an email about the duo bike Fun2Go. During one of her bicycle tours, together with Steven, she met two men riding on the double rider cycle. She really got inspired by the story of the guys on the side by side tandem, that she wrote an article about them at her website, a website with all the information and inspiration you need to come and explore Holland on your bike. With this story about special needs bikes, she hopes that it will inspire people with disabilities to cycle.

Fun2Go double rider cycle van Raam and wheelchair bike

Double rider cycle Fun2Go Van Raam most popular

An independent and objective media research has shown that the Fun2Go double rider cycle of Van Raam by far the most popular side by side tandem is in the Netherlands. In 89% of cases that is written in the media about a new double rider cycle is a van Raam Fun2Go.

Cycling after a brain haemorrhage

Cycling after a brain haemorrhage

Tim Hofman, host of "Je zal het maar hebben", a Dutch TV show whose translation literally means, "You would have it", takes a look into the lives of young people who have an illness or disability. In one of the episodes he visited Pieter Van Diepen (32 years old) who has had a brain haemorrhage. Because of the brain haemorrhage, Pieter has some disabilities, but he enjoys life and the things he can still do, such as cycling on the Van Raam tricycle Easy Sport.

Electric wheelchair bikes by Van Raam

Cycling with a wheelchair user

For people who are in a wheelchair, it is not obvious to go out on a bicycle. At Van Raam we have two different models of wheelchair bicycles, with which cargo bike users can also make a bicycle ride. More and more institutions, organizations, and residential groups have a wheelchair bicycle. You can read their stories and experiences about their wheelchair bicycle in this article.

Pedal support special needs bikes

Special needs bikes

When in the spring the sun is shining people go back to the nature. You can go for a walk, but you can also ride on a special needs bike, such as a electric bicycle. Mobility is as individual as never before and this creates opportunities for people with special needs and requirements. For example you see more (special needs) bicycles with pedal support now days.

Van Raam ISO 9001 2015 Certificate

Van Raam ISO 9001 certified

We produce high quality Dutch special needs bikes for adults and children. To prove that we suffice different quality requirements we are ISO 9001:2015 certified. ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management.

Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike

Wheelchair bike and tandem on YouTube

There appear more and more videos of our custom bikes on YouTube. We have uploaded a lot of product movies at our own Van Raam YouTube channel. Besides our own videos, we receive beautiful videos of special needs bikes from our dealers. So we got for example videos showing the VeloPlus wheelchair bike and the Twinny tandem.

Van Raam tricycle for adults

Tricycle for adults

Many people who can no longer cycle on a regular bicycle are looking for a good and safe alternative. The thought that first comes to mind is a traditional tricycle for adults.Many people visit the Van Raam showroom by appointment to experience if such a tricycle is suitable for them. Often they eventually decide to choose a different custom made bicycle than they initially had in mind. We therefore like to discuss the characteristics of the different types of tricycles.

Heinzmann motor Van Raam

Van Raam bikes with motors / pedal support before 2016

This page contains information about Van Raam bicycles with pedal assistance which are delivered before June 2016.

Cycling with COPD

Cycling with COPD lung condition

More than 251 million people worldwide suffer from COPD. COPD is a general term for lung diseases characterized by narrowing of the airways. This leads to symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing and/or mucus dissolution. Breathing is not a matter of course for this group of people. Enough exercise, such as cycling, is good for everyone, but essential for people with COPD.

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Customer experiences
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
10 / 10
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
February 2014 changed Suze's life forever. A bacterial infection caused sepsis, leaving her in a coma for 3 months and requiring both her lower legs and hands to be amputated. Read Suze Korver's admirable story in this customer experience and watch the video.
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User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
10 / 10
User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
I'm Kevin, 14 years old and I live at home with my parents. I can't talk and I'm wheelchair dependent. I like to watch videos on YouTube on my iPad, but what I like even more is being outside and cycle around on my VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike, together with my mom and dad.
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Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
9 / 10
Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
De Bever Verhuur in Ouddorp stimulates joint movement in the open air, with their broad offer of (electric) means of transportation, including special bikes. They already have been using the Fun2Go 1 for a longer period and also tested the Fun2Go 2 recently. In this customer experience you will read more about De Bever Verhuur und their findings concerning the double bike.
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