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Residential care homes wheelchair bicycle Van Raam

Residential care homes receive a sponsored wheelchair bike

Three residential care homes in Zwolle (in the eastern part of the Netherlands) received a wheelchair bicycle at the end of April 2018. This wheelchair transport bike VeloPlus was sponsored by the municipality of Zwolle, among others. A City Council Member was present at the festive delivery, where the bike was tested by a resident of one of the centers.

side by side tandem with olympic champion

On a side-by-side tandem with Olympic champion

Dutch race bicyclist and Olympic champion Anna van der Breggen has unveiled the new wheelchair bike and side-by-side tandem to De Hazelaar in Hasselt (Netherlands) festively. After the wrapping paper was removed in front of employees and clients of the residential care facility, the bicycles were put into use.

VeloPlus 2016

Video wheelchair transport bicycle VeloPlus

Van Raam made a video about the wheelchair transport bicycle VeloPlus.

Van Raam bikes for children with a disability

Bicycles for children with a disability

Van Raam produces bicycles for all ages with specific adjustments for every disability. There are bicycles with which children with a disability can cycle themselves and special bicycles with which they can cycle together. There are also bicycles with which children with a disability can be transported. At Van Raam we produce different types of tricycles for young and old, but also tandems, wheelchair bikes, double rider cycles and transport bikes. Children can have various physical and mental disabilities at a very young age. In this article we tell more about bikes for children with a disability.

Wheelchair transport bike VeloPlus1 (1992)

Van Raam wheelchairbike VeloPlus over the years

For many years now Van Raam is specialized in special need bikes and one of these bikes is the VeloPlus wheelchairbike. The Van Raam wheel-chair bikes are used to enable a wheelchair dependent person to travel by cycle. Van Raam has two models of wheel-chair bikes: the VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike and the OPair wheel-chair bike.

Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike

VeloPlus wheelchair bike in the USA

We received a nice message from the USA about Tom and Jill Matthew and our VeloPlus wheelchair bike.

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Wheelchair bike for sustainable mobility in Italy

In the Netherlands, but also globally, we see a greater need to do something active together with people in wheelchairs or people with disabilities.

wheelchairbike belgium

Wheelchairbike inaugurated by Belgian top cyclists

Our special needs bikes regularly attract the attention of well-known Dutch and television programs.

Ajax wheelchairbike for Frank

Van Raam produces Ajax Wheelchair Bike

In cooperation with our dealer CombiComfort and the Ajax Foundation, we made a special Van Raam’s Ajax wheelchair transport bike for Frank, a passionate Ajax fan. (AFC Ajax is one of the largest and most storied clubs in European football).

biycle for transporting individual on wheelchair

Wheelchair transport bike in the USA

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Customer experiences
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
10 / 10
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Suze Korver
February 2014 changed Suze's life forever. A bacterial infection caused sepsis, leaving her in a coma for 3 months and requiring both her lower legs and hands to be amputated. Read Suze Korver's admirable story in this customer experience and watch the video.
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User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
10 / 10
User experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike - Kevin van der Plas
I'm Kevin, 14 years old and I live at home with my parents. I can't talk and I'm wheelchair dependent. I like to watch videos on YouTube on my iPad, but what I like even more is being outside and cycle around on my VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike, together with my mom and dad.
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Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
9 / 10
Customer experience Fun2Go double bike – De Bever Verhuur
De Bever Verhuur in Ouddorp stimulates joint movement in the open air, with their broad offer of (electric) means of transportation, including special bikes. They already have been using the Fun2Go 1 for a longer period and also tested the Fun2Go 2 recently. In this customer experience you will read more about De Bever Verhuur und their findings concerning the double bike.
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