van raam wins the guus hiddink business award 2019


Van Raam winner Guus Hiddink Business Award

Van Raam \ Awards
Van Raam
van raam wins the guus hiddink business award 2019

Van Raam is the winner of the Guus Hiddink Business Award! On the evening of Thursday 17 October, the festive award ceremony took place in the Amphion theatre in Doetinchem. Marjolein Boezel, Financial/HRM Director at Van Raam, has received the award. The winner of the Guus Hiddink Business Award is an example for other companies in the Achterhoek. This award is part of the Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek (Achterhoek Entrepreneurial Award). Besides Van Raam, CAD2M B.V. and Bronckhorst High-Tech B.V. were also nominated for this prize.

Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek (entrepreneurial prices Achterhoek)

Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek (entrepreneurial prices Achterhoek) is an initiative of Business Club De Graafschap, Rabobank and VNO-NCW Achterhoek. The Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek encourage, inspire, connect and publicise distinctive entrepreneurship in the Achterhoek region as an example to other entrepreneurs. The Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek contribute to the appreciation of and pride in entrepreneurship in the Achterhoek region.

logo ondernemersprijzen achterhoek

There are three awards, each with its own name, sponsor and target group. The Guus Hiddink Business Award, the Rabobank Talent Award and the Ap Ruesink Entrepreneurs Award. The winner of the Guus Hiddink Business Award should set an example for other businesses in the Achterhoek region. The winner of the Rabobank Talent Award should set an example for other starting entrepreneurs in the Achterhoek and encourage them to develop themselves. The Ap Ruesink Entrepreneurs Award is a prize for individual entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves in the past year and are therefore an inspiration to other entrepreneurs(source:

Nominationvideo Van Raam

Through the website of Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek it was possible to nominate companies from the Achterhoek. At the end of September it was announced that Van Raam had been nominated for the Guus Hiddink Business Award. Nomination videos came online at the beginning of October.

The video below is the nomination video of Van Raam. In this video Marjolein Boezel (Financial/HRM director) and Ronald Ruesink (Commercial director) show the Van Raam factory. Curious to see more videos of our bicycle factory check out our new company movie.

Guus Hiddink Business Award for Van Raam

"The winner of the Guus Hiddink Business Award should be an example for other companies in the Achterhoek. In addition to vision, leadership, innovation and creativity, the company will be judged on successes and distinctiveness. The social commitment and job creation in the region will also be taken into account in the selection".

According to the jury, which includes chairmen of companies in the Achterhoek, Van Raam has demonstrated to be distinctive on all the above criteria.
Marjolein Boezel received the prize on Thursday evening at the theatre in Doetinchem. In the video below of Mirjam Koster (one of the members of the jury of Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek) you see the announcement of the winner of the Guus Hiddink Business Award.

van raam wins the guus hiddink business award 2019

Video: REGIO 8 films winner Guus Hiddink Business Award

REGIO 8, a regional media centre, filmed at the award ceremony. Marjolein Boezel is one of the speakers in the video. She indicates that this prize is recognition for the work that Van Raam does. That Van Raam cooperates a lot with schools and institutions, makes a lot of new products, has a lot of enthusiastic employees and cooperates a lot with other companies. 

Steven Enneman, chairman of the jury, explains that the choice for Van Raam was based on Van Raam's innovative strength, creativity and the connection they make with staff and students. He likes the fact that he sees that companies in the Achterhoek help each other and making each other better.

The certificate and the Award

During the festive ceremony, Marjolein Boezel received the Award and the certificate.

Certificate forVan Raam

In the received certificate the following is indicated (next to the explanation of the price):

With the mission "Let's all cycle", Van Raam delivers a unique product that contributes to the happiness of people with a disability because they are mobile and independent for a longer period of time with Van Raam's bicycles. In this way, the company makes a valuable contribution to the integration of people with disabilities into society. The company is at the forefront of innovation. In the new, highly sustainable building in Varsseveld, the company uses the latest techniques in the field of 3D printing, robotisation and digitisation. Innovation can also be seen in the way they invest in the quality of the staff and the connection with students and schools. The company's culture is characterised by openness, hospitality and informality.

Decisive in the jury's choice for Van Raam is the connection they make with other companies in the Achterhoek to learn from each other and to strengthen each other in the field of finance, HR, E-business and Lean with their association Smarthub Development, which they founded. In addition, Van Raam also demonstrates his connecting role as a member of the leading group Smart Industry. In this way, Van Raam makes an excellent contribution to the growth of knowledge and innovation in the Achterhoek and is therefore an example to other companies.

Below the certificate we've received from Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoek.

Guus Hiddink Business Award at Van Raam

The Guus Hiddink Business Award will be given a nice place in Van Raam's business premises. On the pictureyou can see Marjolein Boezel with the award and the certificate with our GoCab* pedicab and Chat rickshaw bike.

*The GoCab bike taxi is no longer available.

Van Raam has won several quality marks and awards in recent years, read more about this on our Quality marks page.

All quality labels and awards

Marjolein Boezel of Van Raam Guus Hiddink Business Award 2019

Innovation at Van Raam

The jury of Ondernemersprijzen Achterhoekhas indicated that Van Raam is at the forefront of innovation. 

On our special innovation page you can read more about innovation at Van Raam. On this page, under the heading 'Awards', you can also read more about the international and national awards for our special needs bicycles.

Let’s all cycle!

Van Raam Innovation

New bicycle factory Van Raam in Varsseveld
Van Raam logo
Written by
Van Raam

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