With the mission "Let's all cycle", Van Raam delivers a unique product that contributes to the happiness of people with a disability because they are mobile and independent for a longer period of time with Van Raam's bicycles. In this way, the company makes a valuable contribution to the integration of people with disabilities into society. The company is at the forefront of innovation. In the new, highly sustainable building in Varsseveld, the company uses the latest techniques in the field of 3D printing, robotisation and digitisation. Innovation can also be seen in the way they invest in the quality of the staff and the connection with students and schools. The company's culture is characterised by openness, hospitality and informality.
Decisive in the jury's choice for Van Raam is the connection they make with other companies in the Achterhoek to learn from each other and to strengthen each other in the field of finance, HR, E-business and Lean with their association Smarthub Development, which they founded. In addition, Van Raam also demonstrates his connecting role as a member of the leading group Smart Industry. In this way, Van Raam makes an excellent contribution to the growth of knowledge and innovation in the Achterhoek and is therefore an example to other companies.