Test winner Van Raam custom bikes by Norwegian government


Test winner Van Raam custom bikes by Norwegian government

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Test winner Van Raam custom bikes by Norwegian government

The Norwegian Government has had a professional, independent commission test a number of custom-made bicycles in four different bicycle categories in order to determine which bicycles are best and which customized bicycles may be sold in Norway. For this so-called tender procedure, there were a number of important points that were assessed with a certain weighting factor. In this article you can read about which Van Raam bikes were the test winners, what makes them so special and how others finished.

Van Raam bikes are best in test

The custom bikes were judged in both the categories price and total quality. Furthermore, it was also of great importance for the evaluation that there are possibilities to customize the bikes to the individual needs of the people, for example through custom work and accessories available on the bike. Besides the design, user-friendliness and the reliability and general impression that comes with it also played a role.

Test winner Van Raam custom bikes by Norwegian government

In the category’s wheelchair bicycles, parallel tandems, tricycles and tricycles with back motor, Van Raam's special bicycles are tested as the best.

In addition to Van Raam's special needs bikes, the following have also been tested: Hase, PFAU-Tec, Huka, Draisin, Nijland. In the four categories tested, Van Raam has won first place three times, of which one was even awarded first and second place and in one category second place.

See in the following categories Van Raam's special bikes were tested as the best:

  • wheelchair bikes,

  • side-by-side tandems,

  • tricycles and

  • tricycles with rear engine

In the category of duo bicycles the Orthros from Huka, the Toogether from Draisin and the DuoC from PF mobility were also tested. Despite the lower bids of the other suppliers in this tender, many Van Raam bicycles were also judged best in the overall evaluation (price and quality) due to their outstanding quality. In terms of quality, all Van Raam special needs bikes outperformed the competition by far.

In terms of quality, all Van Raam special needs bikes outperformed the competition by far.

Read more about the Van Raam test winning custom bikes:

The Easy Rider tricycle, the Easy Rider Junior children's tricycle, the Fun2Go side by side tandem, the OPair wheelchair and the Easy Sport recumbent received the best ratings in their respective categories.

Van Raam pedal support winner extraenergy test

Winner ExtraEnergy test: Electric pedal support

The unique Van Raam pedal support system with Van Raam's Silent E-Motors proved to be above average and clearly stood out from the competition, such as Bosch.

With the Silent System, Van Raam led the list of the best evaluated electric systems. This almost silent electric pedal assistance was particularly striking because of its power, the options for individual settings, the simple e-bike app and the possibility of reversing.

In 2019 Van Raams pedal support won the ExtraEnergy test. Our German partner Utopia Velo, a manufacturer of high-quality bicycles, won the ExtraEnergy Test 2018-2019 with our Van Raam Silent System for pedal support.

More about the ExtraEnergy Test

Awards won by Van Raam

Van Raam has already been recognized and cited in many ways as an example of Smart Industry and Smart Working. In addition to prizes and awards for the product: the Eurobike Gold Award, Extra Energy Test and GIO recognition, Van Raam has also won various prizes in the field of human resources and organization, such as the Smart People Award from the Koninklijke Metaalunie, MKB Innovatie Top 100, Gelderland factory of the future, the Guus Hiddink business award and the Tros Radar hot shower, of which we as a company are very proud. See all trademarks and awards of Van Raam.

All quality labels and awards

Test ride

Try, like the Norwegian government, which they consider to be the best tested special needs bikes themselves and make your own opinion. Plan a free test ride in our Van Raam showroom in Varsseveld or Treuchlingen. Or visit one of our dealers that is the closest to you!

Free test ride

Free test ride on adapted bicycle in showroom Van Raam Varsseveld

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Also find out what other users of the bikes say!

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