Van Raam adapted bikes at Alice Holt inclusive cycling


Van Raam adapted bikes at Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling

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Van Raam
Van Raam adapted bikes at Alice Holt inclusive cycling

Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling almost lost a lot but thanks to the group of the Little Lumpy, money was able to be raised in order to purchase an other adapted bike for Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling. The Fun2Go special needs side by side trike. Find out more about this initiative, how to raise money for an adaptive bike and what Van Raam bikes are available at Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling.

Little Lumpy cyclists helped to buy adapted bike

The Little Lumpy charity sportive and the Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling have been partners for a long time. Because the Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling had to cancel the Little Lumpy charity ride 2020 they feared to loose money and not be able to purchase another adapted bike for their “Cycling for All” centre. That is where the Little Lumpy’s jumped in to help. The chairman of Little Lumpy, Ken Griffiths, informed everyone who was had already registered about the cancellation of the event. Furthermore, he also gave them three options to choose from. They could carry their registration over to the next year, get a full refund of their money or donate their 2020 registration fee to Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling.

Van Raam adapted bikes at Alice Holt inclusive cycling

Nevertheless to say it was incredible, a lot of riders donated their fee so they were able to raise £4,300 for the Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling. And this made it possible for them to buy another adaptive bike. In This case a Fun2Go special needs side by side trike.Read the whole article on the website of the Liphook Herald.

Read the article

The Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling center

The Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling is a “Cycling for All” centre bases in the Alice Holt Forest in Bucks Horn Oak, England. They are a national Cycling Charity what is run by a few volunteers to help people with disabilities that like and enjoy cycling. Hey provide so called sessions every Thursday morning.
Everyone can come and join these sessions and the time the people can spent on the chosen bike is not limited, people can ride for as long as they want within a session.

They have a variety of adapted bikes, an also Van Raam bikes, the Fun2Go and the VeloPlus. There is a small fee of £3 per session, guides can ride free. They use the money maintain all the bikes. Read more about the cycling center on their homepage.

“And this made it possible for them to buy another adaptive bike. In This case a Fun2go special needs side by side trike.”

Van Raam’s adapted bikes Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling

Van Raam is a manufacturer of adapted bikes for people who cannot or doesn’t want to cycle on a two wheeled bike. Since almost 100 years, Van Raam has also been producing bicycles. In the last 30 years with a focus on adapted bikes. The whole production of the award-winning quality bicycles take place in one of the cleanest and smartest factories in the Netherlands. The bikes are produces individually on the needs of the customer. As an innovative manufacturer of adapted bicycles, it is our goal to offer sustainable and contemporary mobility to as many people as possible. We believe that people with a disability will be happier if they can be mobile and independent for longer. Two of the Van Raam Bikes are found at the Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling “Cycling for All” centre to give people with disabilities who wish to enjoy cycling in a safe environment the possibility to do so.

Fun2Go special needs side by side trike

The Fun2Go side by side trike is a tricycle tandem on which the users sit next to each other so they can communicate well, but also have a good view on the road. For people with a disability, the side by side tandem can offer a solution. This bike has many advantages, whether they are optional or standard on the bike, but they all give the possibility to cycle in a special and individually made way.

A lot of the benefits of the Fun2Go can be seen below.

Fun2Go special needs side by side trike Alice Holt inclusive cycling
  • No Entry on the bike

  • 1 person steers and both can pedal

  • Comfortable adjustable sittings with backrests

  • Very agile, the bike can rotate around its own axis

  • An optional rotatable seat for even easier getting on and off the bike

Take a deeper glance on the Fun2Go, it’s 360 degree photos and more specifications.

View the Fun2Go

  • Fun2Go special needs side by side trike
  • Fun2Go special needs side by side trike belt
  • Fun2Go special needs side by side trike gear hub
  • Van Raam Fun2Go special needs side by side trike

VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike

The VeloPlus wheelchair bicycle is already present for some time at the Alice Holt Iclusive Cycling center. It is a tricycle for wheelchair users, which offers a means of transport for people  who have to remain seated in their own wheelchair.

Almost every hand-operated wheelchair, up to a width of 72 cm, can be easily placed on the wheelchair transport tricycle through the tiltable platform of the bicycle and be secured, without much strength or extra help. The steering front wheels provide a smaler turning circle and a lot of stability while riding.

Take a look at a lot of the benefits of the VeloPlus below. 

VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike Alice holt cycling
  • Wheelchair user can sit in her or his wheelchair

  • Almost every wheelchair is suitable

  • Easy to ride a wheelchair on it due to the tilted ramp

  • Steered front wheels for a short turning radius

  • Wheelchair is easy and safe to lock onto the plateau

The VeloPlus is often used in care homes and institutions in order to transport different people and also to get (back) outside to the fresh air. For all the technical specifications and 360 degree photos, see the product page of the VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike.


  • VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike tiltable platform
  • VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike brake
  • Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike
  • VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike safety

Configure you bike and make it unique!

It is possible to put together your own special needs Van Raam bike with the bike configurator.
In the configurator you will find all options and accessories with possible explanations, pictures and the price. For each step you choose your accessories and options and eventually you will get the complete configuration, which you will also receive by email. Do you need help with it? In the article “Put together your Van Raam bike with the bike configurator”  we show you how you can put together your own Van Raam bicycle.

Configure your bike

Tipps for raising money

Imagine that the ideal bike is found. But there is not enough of the financial means to pay for the bike. Of course, that's a bit of a bummer. Fortunately, there are several ways to purchase a special needs bike. In the article “Tips for raising money for a special needs bike“ we will give you useful tips on how to raise money for your special needs bike.

Tips to raise money

User experiences Fun2Go and VeloPlus

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