scooter bike


Scooter bike, new innovation in healthcare

Bikes \ Mobility scooter bike
Van Raam
scooter bike

In the beginning of 2014 the Easy Go scooterbike from Van Raam will be availableThe Easy Go scooter bike is a highly maneuverable compact electric tricycle that you can use as Pedelec (elektric ) bike and scooter.

You can ride the bike by fully pedal yourself, you can ride the Easy Go as a Pedelec (electric bike) or you use is with a throttle 100% electric  as a scooter. You can use it with different levels of support and various maximum speeds depending on the chosen position.  

You can easily switch between the different types of driving an the different speeds. Once you fold the footplate up the drive via the pedals will be activated and you can cycle. You can use it for shopping, just like a " scooter ".  

The Easy Go goes electric forward and backwards. The Easy Go scooter bike has a low step through, a pleasant upright seating position, is compact, easy maneuverable and stable.

scooter bike

Development of the scooter Bike

The idea for the scooter bike has arisen because of the fact that Van Raam, as a bicycle manufacturer, found it  remarkably that many scooter users go on the scooter to the physiotherapist and there use an exercise bike. In interviews with physiotherapists and occupational therapists, the idea was very well received. At this moment people with varying diseases often choose for a scooter because they can not bike or pedaling there selves on the bad moments. On the good moments any form of movement and effort will be very good for the condition of these people. The product has a more sporty bike appearance because the target audience for this product will be more associated with a bike than a scooter.

Innovation in health care.

A prototype is put on a big tradeshow for more responses from professionals. These were overwhelming, a director of a large hospital and HealtValley found the Easy Go the innovation of the year. Very practical and good for prevention and movement therapy.  Occupational therapists and end users wanted to use it direct. With all the feedback from the prototype an improved vesion is made that has been tested and approved.   

Short movie about the Easy Go:
