Remoove as Van Raam Premium Dealer
Remoove is based in Arco, Northern Italy and is an organization founded three partners: Andrea Tomasoni, Matteo Taddei and MattiaBonanome. They want to ensure that barriers and obstacles in everyday life are removed. Furthermore, the "talents and energies" of all people with reduced mobility should be revived (thats my the name is Re-move). It all starts with the passion for the bicycle, as they explained in an interview at prodigio,:"We believe that it is a symbol of freedom and perhaps the ideal means of transport. We wish everybody could take a ride."
That is why Remoove is active in the service sector, among other things, in the area of communication and barrier-free events, where you design, implement and promote integration events and make them accessible to everyone. You are also largely represented in the mobility sector. They have set themselves the goal of making new forms of mobility accessible to all. That is why it has chosen the quality of the Van Raam brand.