Adapted bikes at Van Raam
For more than 100 years we have been making sure that people can ride bicycles. The adapted bikes are produced on demand and according to your needs. Before your bicycle is produced, a free test ride is an important factor. You can do this for free at Van Ram in Varsseveld, at our Van Raam experience center Germany South, or at a dealer. Hereby, your inner leg length already plays a role in finding the right bicycle for you. Read below what the inside leg length is.
What is the inside leg length?
The inner leg length also called inside leg is the most important parameter to determine the frame height and seat height of the bicycle. In the exemplary illustration of the Maxi tricycle you can see dimensions. For the length "d" that goes from the saddle to the pedals, your inner leg length is necessary. It is important to find the right frame size. That way the right posture and pedal movement can be created.