Initiatives with the Fun2Go duo bike in times of corona neighbourlinass in times of corona


Initiatives with the Fun2Go duo bike in times of corona

Bikes \ Side by side tandem bikes
Van Raam
Initiatives with the Fun2Go duo bike in times of corona neighbourlinass in times of corona

Because of the coronavirus we now live in a special time. Fortunately in this special time, a lot of good initiatives are being started to be there for each other and to help each other. For example, Luna is now able to cycle again because she can borrow a Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike. Read more about Luna and other initiatives in this article.

Initiatives in times of corona

Many initiatives are being launched during this period. The aim of these initiatives is to be there for others and to help others. This can be done by doing groceries for the elderly, for example. There are also many other initiatives that were started by the coronavirus. Read below the initiatives about neighbourliness in times of corona and about the SWOA, a foundation for the elderly that uses its Fun2Go duo bike for households.

Initiatives with the Fun2Go duo bike in times of corona neighbourlinass in times of corona
Luna on the Fun2Go duo bike. Photo & Source: Martine Siemens

Neighbourliness in times of corona

Dutch photographer Martine Siemens photographed the initiatives and events that arose in the Achterhoek region by corona. The goal was to show and capture how we help each other and that we are there for each other. Among other things, she photographed the initiative for Luna.

18-year-old Luna has Down's Syndrome. Before the corona crisis broke out in the Netherlands, she went from Monday to Friday to a day care centre and to a care farm. Unfortunately, because of the coronavirus, Luna is no longer allowed to go to the day-care centre or the care farm and she sits at home a lot.

Luna's mother wanted to give her some distraction, preferably outdoors. She came into contact with Van Raam dealer Walraven in the village of Sinderen (the Netherlands) and was offered the opportunity to borrow a Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike. They are allowed to use the duo bike for a month so that Luna and her mother can make many beautiful bike rides and she no longer has to sit at home for whole days. (Source: Facebook page and website from Martine Siemens)

Foundation for the elderly uses duo bike

In the city of Arnhem (the Netherlands) the SWOA foundation, a foundation for the wellbeing of elderly people, also came up with an initiative. The foundation is committed to helping the elderly discover what is still possible and to use their talents. They believe that older people can do more than they think and help the elderly to do so. For example, they use a Fun2Go duo bike from Van Raam. This duo bike is used by the foundation to let the elderly and volunteers cycle together.

Because of the current corona measures, this is not possible at the moment. However, SWOA is now using the duo bike for households. This means that two people living in the same house can take the duo bike for a ride through the Arnhem neighbourhoods. In this way, elderly people can go outside again or someone in the family for whom cycling is not a matter of course, can cycle again. For more information see the SWOA website (in Dutch).

Initiatives with the Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike in times of corona for households Arnhem
Source: SWOA

5 reasons why cycling protects against corona

'Social distancing' is best achieved by bicycle, according to the government and scientists in Germany. You protect yourself, others and you strengthen your lungs. We have five (5) reasons why cycling protects you from corona and also give you tips you can follow when cycling. Read more in the article '5 reasons why cycling protects against corona'.

5 reasons why cycling protects

Van Raam Easy Rider Compact tricycle with seat
Cycling together on the double seat bike Fun2Go Van Raam

Van Raam Fun2Go duo bike

The duo bike Fun2Go can be seen a lot on the street. It is a side-by-side tandem in which the users sit next to each other so they can communicate well, but also have a good view on the road. For people with a disability, the duo bike can offer a solution, because this bike has many advantages, whether optional or not. Many residential care centres also make use of this bicycle, as do initiatives to cycle with others such as the Fietsmaatjes project (a cycling buddies project).

Standard benefits:

  • No step in, easy to take your seat

  • 1 person steers and both can pedal

  • 8 gears

  • Comfortable adjustable sittings with backrests

  • Very agile, the bike can rotate around its own axis

Optional extra benefits:

You can read everything about the Fun2Go on the product page by clicking on the button.

Please note: it is important that you always stick to the corona measures that apply at the time.


Fun2Go duo bike with protection screen in times of corona

More action is being taken to fight corona. By developing a protection screen for the Fun2Go duo bike, people canride the Fun2Go together again, without (possibly) infecting the other person. Want to know more about the screen? Click the button below.

News article protection screen

Thuisbij Uitgeest protection screen Fun2Go
Cycling together on the double seat bike Fun2Go Van Raam

Cycling with a disability

Not everyone can cycle on a standard two-wheel bike. To help these people, Van Raam produces special needs bikes. Our mission is: offer people with a disability sustainable and contemporary mobility. Van Raam produces:

One of these special needs bikes often makes cycling with a disability possible again. Read all about this in the article 'Cycling with a disability'.

Cycling with a disability

Fun2Go side-by-side tandem with FunTrain trailer cycling together with a person with limited mobility Van Raam

Cycling on a bike for multiple persons

Cycling is healthy in many ways. Besides the fact that exercise is important for your body and mind, cycling is also a very social way of exercising. In addition to the Fun2Go, Van Raam has several bikes for more than one person in its range:

Many elderly people can no longer walk, cycle or go shopping on their own. As a result, there is a chance that they will become socially isolated. Many of the Van Raam bicycles in the range are therefore used as a bicycle taxi for the elderly. Read all about this in the article ‘Special needs bicycles as a bicycle taxi for the elderly’. Please note: it is important that you always stick to the corona measures that apply at the time.

Van Raam bicycle taxi

Private counseling appointment at Van Raam

Update: As of March 2023, you can schedule a regular test ride at Van Raam instead of private counseling.

Would you like to experience for yourself what a special needs bike can do for you? In this time of the corona crisis, Van Raam has come up with a creative solution so that it is possible to come to the showroom by appointment for an extensive private counseling meeting with a technical advisor. During this conversation, the possibilities will be discussed and eventually, a test ride on the bike will be made. After this, the technical advisor will make you an offer with which you can go to your Van Raam dealer. The dealer can order the bike from Van Raam. Read more about private counseling in the article ‘Private counseling at Van Raam in connection with coronavirus’.

Private counseling

Private Shopping in showroom Van Raam because of coronavirus

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The Fun2Go duo bike is intended for people who can no longer cycle independently, for example due to a disability or their age. With the Fun2Go you cycle with two persons next to each other, a driver and a co-driver. In this way people who can no longer cycle independently can still cycle together with a companion. Until corona put an abrupt end to this. Because how can you keep your distance if you cycle with two people next to each other?

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Satisfied users of Van Raam adapted bicycles

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More mobility on the road due to the duo bike Fun2Go

Cycling is a great way to get exercise and stay mobile and active, not to mention it is very healthy. Cycling on a parallel tandem Fun2Go is also very sociable, because you don't sit behind each other, but next to each other. In the recent past many people have got such a bike and are happy to enjoy mobility again. Find out in this article what you report about the bicycle.

Side-by-side Van Raam Estinea Oostervoort Peter van Zutphen

Side-by-side tandem Fun2Go makes bicycling fun

We at Van Raam often read the beautiful stories of our satisfied customers. These stories make us happy in return and we would like to share them with you. The following articles of the past months on the side-by-side tandem Fun2Go caught our attention. In this overview you will read where our bikes ended up and who uses them. These are the stories of some of our Dutch customers.

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