Improving mobility in the elderly through van raam adapted bicycles


Improving mobility in the elderly

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Van Raam
Improving mobility in the elderly through van raam adapted bicycles

Older people are sometimes faced with reduced mobility. There are various aids that improve the mobility in the elderly. Read more about these aids in this article and what role Van Raam can play in this.

Video: Cycling for people with reduced mobility

Tip: There is speaking in this video. Turn on subtitles for accompanying text and explanations.

Reduced mobility in the elderly

Fortunately, the saying 'old age comes with ailments' does not apply to all elderly people. Nevertheless, as they grow older, people sometimes experience mobility limitations. Most mobility limitations are the result of complaints and illnesses of the locomotor apparatus. In addition, fall accidents also play an important role in reduced mobility.

poor mobility in the elderly easy rider tricycle van raam

Aids for mobility problems of the elderly

There are several aids that the elderly can use to increase their mobility and keep themselves moving:

  • Adapted bicycle

  • Crutch

  • Walking stick

  • Walking aid

  • Rollator

  • Wheelchair

  • Mobility Scooter

Van Raam Balance comfort electric bike

Adapted bicycles for poor mobility in the elderly

Van Raam is a manufacturer of adapted bicycles. Several products in our assortment contribute to the mobility in the elderly in a positive way. Our bicycles can be divided into the categories cycling independently and cycling together.

Cycling independently on a Van Raam bicycle

With the adapted bicycles from Van Raam, it remains possible to cycle independently for a longer period of time. We have different types of bicycles, for different needs. Think of tricycles, low step through bikes, walking bikes and scooter bikes. Read more about these bicycles below.

Adapted bicycles for mobility problems in the elderly
mobility in the elderly van raam midi tricycle
Bike for adults with balance problems Van Raam Balance
Mobility scooter bike Easy Go Van Raam

Cycling together on a Van Raam bicycle

If cycling independently is not possible, you can opt for a Van Raam bicycle to cycle together. This keeps you as an elderly person in exercise and mobile for longer. We have several different bikes that can be used for cycling together; tandems, side-by-side tandems, wheelchair bikes and a transport bike.

mobility in the elderly van raam twinny plus tandem
mobility in the elderly van raam veloplus wheelchair bike
mobility in the elderly van raam chat rickshaw bike
mobility in the elderly van raam fun2go side by side tandem

Trying out a bike

Are you curious whether a Van Raam bicycle can help to improve the reduced mobility in the elderly? Then come to our showroom in Varsseveld and try it out for yourself. Through our website you can easily schedule a free appointment. Would you rather make a test ride at a dealer? See which dealer is near you and ask about the possibilities.

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Testing bicycles on a test track in case of reduced mobility in the elderly

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Avoid falling off the bike and choose a tricycle

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Special needs bicycles as a bicycle taxi for the elderly

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Van Raam Mobility BV special needs bicycles Balance low step through bike and VeloPlus wheelchair bike

Looking to maintain mobility? Check out these adapted bikes!

Cycling is healthy, good for the environment, and provides a sense of freedom. But what if riding a traditional two-wheel bike becomes increasingly difficult, or even impossible? With an adapted bike from Van Raam, you can stay mobile for longer.

Van Raam adapted bikes in magazine for elderly people

Van Raam adapted bikes in magazine for elderly people

Sometimes it is no longer possible to cycle on a two-wheeler, for example because of a certain disability or because you are no longer stable enough and are afraid of falling. But if you have been inside for a long time, nothing is better than going outside again and riding around in nature, especially in sunny weather. The elderly organisation KBO-PCOB dedicates an article in its magazine to cycling on adapted bikes to show what possibilities there are to keep moving when cycling on a normal bike is no longer possible.

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