Van Raam produces uniquely special needs bicycles and specializes in tricycles, transport bikes, scooterbikes, wheelchair bikes, tandem bikes, double rider bikes, and low step trough bikes (also known as comfortbikes). Each model is also available as an electric bike (Pedelec).
Maria Romp and Freerk de Boer started the foundation ‘Onbeperkt op de Fiets’ (red. Riding a bike without limits). They want to let everyone cycle in the northern Netherlands. They do this by the rental of adapted bicycles. To raise money for their foundation, they plan a fundraising by cycling from Haren (Groningen, Netherlands) to Santiago de Compostella.
Start of the foundation ‘Onbeperkt op de Fiets’
Freerk de Boer and Maria Romp want to rent out bicycles in the northern Netherlands for a small fee. They experienced themselves how difficult it is to rent a adapted bike in the northern provinces. The first Veloplus wheelchair transport bike is already purchased by the foundation. This wheelchair transport bike is designed for transporting people, who can remain seated in their own wheelchair, by cycle. Freerk and Maria want to purchase more adapted bicycles becausethey want a wider range of choice. “We want to make it possible for everyone in the northern Netherlands, to enjoy bike rides with adapted bicycles.”
We want to make it possible for everyone in the northern Netherlands, to enjoy bike rides with adapted bicycles
Freerk and Maria
Let everyone enjoy cycling
Freerk is dependent on his OPair wheelchair bike for bike rides because of an autoimmune disease. He and his partner Maria regularly rented a OPair at Van Raam. A major undertaking, because Varsseveld is a 2 hour ride for them. In the meantime they purchased a OPair wheelchair bike. Freerkis really happy with the OPair. “The detachable frame is very practical!” Maria: “Cycling together is a great way to take part of the outdoor life. Feeling the wind blow through your hair. Everyone deserves to be outside.”
Freerk dependents on his OPair wheelchair bike for bike rides.
Fundraise to Santiago de Compostella
Freerk and Maria organize awheelchair bike ride from Haren (Groningen, Netherlands) to Santiago de Compostella. Their reason is to raise money to buy more adapted bicycles for their foundation. Interested parties who want to sign up as a sponsor can do this through the contact page of the foundation's website.
The OPair wheelchair bike which is going to be used for the ride to Santiago de Compostella.
Cycling together is a great way to take part of the outdoor life. Feeling the wind blow through your hair. Everyone deserves to be outside.
Freerk and Maria
Rent an adapted bicycle
People from northern Netherlands, or people on holiday who are staying in the northern, can reserve a bike through the website: Maria: “We will take care of the delivery of the bicycle to the right location.” All the bicycles are equipped with electrical pedal support.
Customer experiences OPair wheelchair bike
Freerk and Maria recently rented the OPair wheelchair bike and shared their experiences with Van Raam.
Van Raam received a wonderful message from Maria Romp from Groningen (the Netherlands), who rented the OPair wheelchair bike. Read the experience of Maria below.
The OPair is a wheelchair bike with which you can transport a wheelchair user. In the front of the bike is a seat affixed for the passenger. From the back, the cyclist has an overview on the road and view on the passenger. On the split frame version, the front part is easy to remove from the cycling component, which enables use as a wheelchair on location.
The VeloPlus wheelchair transport bike is designed for transporting people, who can remain seated in their own wheelchair, by cycle. The co-rider can be wheeled on to the plateau and the wheelchair can be fasten properly with the wheelchair lock. Read more about the Van Raam wheelchair bikes on the product pages.