Cause and effects of loneliness elderly
A lot of older adults feel lonely. The loneliness of elderly oftenstarts by stopping work, but causes also include children leaving home, the loss of a partner and a limited social network. Loneliness or social isolation of the elderly is a growing problem and can have major consequences, especially for the elderly themselves. These include increasing the risk of Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, health problems and even premature death. But how can we help lonely elderly? Keep in touch, become a volunteer or start an initiative yourself. An example of such an initiative is duo cycling with the elderly. In recent years, many (lonely) elderly people have been on the road with this initiative, or still, regularly go out on the duo bike.
Help lonely elderly: Why a (duo) bike?
Cycling is healthy! You are active in the open air, and cycling strengthens the heart, lungs and resistance. By exercising, the brain stays younger, you stay mobile longer, and you produce happiness substances that make you feel better. Thus, cycling is a valuable activity to do with the lonely elderly people, and you take them out of their social isolation.